And because every man is made of crystal;
And every woman is made of steel
Where you try to find white
But you end up submerged in black
Where you try to encounter roses
But end up finding only weeds
Where you try to drink from a pond of fresh water
But you taste all its saltiness
When you expect to open your eyes to a clear sky
But its only ashy Heaven
Where you expect to find harmony
But everything is harmonious chaos
Where you expect to find life
But it's only a barren land
Where you expect the sun to warm you up
But all you can feel is demonic frostbite
Expect this:
I'll be there
I'll be smallest butterfly
Flying in the middle of the storm
I'll be the weakest keystone of the Everest
I'll be the breeze that feeds your lungs
You'll be my life and I'll be yours
I'll be every possible cliche, just for you
However, I will always be the man that truly loves you...
DA 2015
I want my words to dance and sing
I want them to peel off the page
and into your mind
where they pirouette and prance and cry out
an unforgettable melody
I want my words to paint a picture
So that your eyes see what mine see
So that every word draws you in
And every sentence creates a scene you'll remember forever
I want to inspire with my words
But alas, I have none
Ms. Anger
She is dressed in an orangey red and glows with heat and distressed sins.
She whines and moans every time something seems wrong or unfair.
She pisses people off and messes things up.
She ruins and builds.
She is bipolar and loud.
She is anger.
Her red fiery dress blows in the wind and smacks against her six inch black stilettos, oozing with messy love affairs and stereotypical insults.
Her black hair goes with the wind, but not without a hard and lengthy fight. They argue and hit. They yell and scream. They are anger.
Her arms hang limply at her side.
Lifeless and pale.
They symbolize all the people that have been killed because of her...
Because of anger.
Anger's long money- colored nails stand for all the lies the government has let push brought their lips. The lies that have been spoon fed to society to gag their raging honesty and passion.
She is anger.
Maya Ruined
Cave magic
Dancing shadows.
Blood staining stones and souls
Every drip burning holes in our
Screams until silence.
Did our Gods rejoice?
Getting drunk on our fumes
As we died for rain.
Human life wasted
On an alter of lies.
Crops withered
Like our faith in the king
As we destroyed our divinity
Pretending to be Gods.
If only the crown had been burned
Chaac may have answered our prayers.