Elephants and Edmontonias
Empty elephants engorge eggplants emphatically, emphasizing ever elegant eating ease, enhancing endorphins, enriching enzymes, engaging expendable energy. Enjoyment ensues. Economical elephants exhibiting enough excitement, exemplifying extreme extravagance, enrages extinct edmontonias. "Enough!" edmontonias exclaim. Elephants enquire, "End?" Elephant enclave elect entreats edmontonias, "End eating eggplants, eggs exempt?" Edmontonias explain engorging eggplants, eating eggs, equals expensive eating. Economical elephants explode. "Expensive eating?!" "Expensive eating," exhort ectopic edmontonias. Elephants eye edmontonias. "Evict edmontonias?" enquires enclave elect. Enchanted, elephants extort, "Evict? Enslave enclave elect. Expensive eating equals extinction. Edmontonias exemplify erroneous economic effects." Elephant enclave elect entreats, "Eggplants. Eggs. Eucalyptus enamors echidnas. Elephants enjoy eggplants; eggs entice elephants. Elephant entities eating eggs, eating eggplants, end egregious earldoms." Elephant enclave echoes, "End egregious earldoms?" Elephant enclave espouses enclave elect; elect earns edmontonia enemies.
I sat down by the river Styx
Alone, and weary at heart.
I took a long breath and,
Just as I was about to try
And drink from that river,
I was stopped by a thought.
Do I really want to die? I
Asked myself (a good question
really, why hadn't I considered
it before?) And while I stopped
To think about the possible
Consequences of such an act,
Another unfortunate fellow
Came up and sat beside me.
No words were said, on either
Of our parts, and in peace we sat
There for quite some time,
Me thinking about the river
And him who knows what.
Then, together we rose as one,
And, startled, I turned to my friend
To ask his purpose in standing up.
But he moved to the riverbank
And pulled some clothes out from
Behind a rock, donned them,
Turned to me and asked,
"Well, then son, are you coming or not?
I push the boat, tis true, but if
You aren't inclined to cross I
Have other souls to pick up,
Which would be happy to
Take your place." "So, what
Would you have me do?" I
Asked of the man in front of me,
And he laughed a dry laugh,
Coughed, and spoke to me,
"Do? It's your choice. You
Can either sit there on that
Bank forever, like I used to do,
Or you can come with me and
Go where the master decides to
Send you." I nodded and thought,
And thought, and thought, and when
I looked up finally ready to reply,
Alas I saw that he was gone,
Already halfway across the Acheron.