night sky lies bereft and bound
my fingers, cold and tired still,
tracing the fading stars
in one final attempt
to pull myself closer
to wherever home is
through the dark clouds
and distant emotions
that linger high in the air
and my lips, cold and puckered,
whistling melody of the dust
for all things i’ve lost
across the seas
across the lands
and for all things
yet to be found
in me, in you, in us
and for all of you i’ve missed
what stories would the wind tell you?
i wonder, as i clench shifting sands anew
while the world starts waking up
into a hollow dream,
i step away from that sleepless night
to somewhere we don’t belong
with seashells in my pocket
and ocean air in my lungs.
5:15 AM
Use, Quit, Repeat
If I could hold your addiction, a tangible darkness, I’d drop it from shaking hands to mouth-watering tongue and swallow it whole. Let it lay heavy in my throat. Too immense to slide down my gullet. I’d take your affliction. Wide-awake, fever dreams and swollen, insomnia eyes would be easier. My insides are more stone than yours. My heart, Medusa-stare hardened. More capable of caging that ache. Instead I wake wet. Not sure if I am drenched in your sweat or your tears. And I fall back to sleep, uneasy. Your words laying heavy. A humid whisper that never leaves. I’m not using. And when you say it. It means you just did. I’m not using. Because I just did. And everything is numb. But it’ll hurt again soon. But I’m not using. Starting tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow we can sleep in, because I won’t wake up screaming. I won’t wake up sobbing. I won’t wake up shaking. Because I’m not using. I swear I’m not using. And just stay tonight. I swear I’m not using. And the sun is just a little too bright today but I’m not using. I’m just tired. It was just a party. I’m not using. I know it was a hit and run, but if I stopped it’d be a whole, big thing, and I’m not using. And I didn’t mean to leave you at that house but I was in the basement, and I forgot you were waiting, and it was just one time. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow will be fine. And I’m sorry I stained your shirt again, but the blood will stop soon. I’m not using. And I know that you’re tired, but please, just one more night. Because tomorrow is the day. And tomorrow I won’t be using. I just can’t sleep. And please, just sit with me. Tomorrow. I’m not using. And I’ll pay you back after I turn this money around. I’m not using. And I’m just not happy. And it’s not you I swear. I love you. But could you just give me one night. Because I’m not using. Tomorrow I’m not using. But I’m just not happy tonight. It’s only because of me. It’s not because of you. It’s my dad and my ex and my job. And I just need to turn this money around, wait in the car. I’m not using. Just wait in the car. And I slept a few days ago. Don’t worry. I’m not using. Tonight was the last time. Because I’m not using. I’m not using. I’m not using. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Gimme that tray. Hold my square.
s e c r e t / a d m i r i r
dance like no one is watching
except you know that
he is
even when you think you’re alone,
you’re not.
even when you wish you were alone,
you’re not.
he always watches you from the window
maybe you silently like the attention,
the affection that no one
has ever given you before.
the admiration that you
crave after being without
for so long.
and despite your insistence on him stopping,
you’ve never closed the blinds.
I woke up, startled.
I had a dream, and I was wet.
Decided to ignore the sensation
and went back to sleep...
He was over me,
pushing his fingers in me.
In, out.
In, out.
I heard him say,
"you're so fucking wet,
you did it again."
That's when my mind woke up,
but my eyes were still closed.
I was contemplating
whether to argue and waste energy,
or allow him to fill me
thinking I've been naughty.
You see,
if I speak up, he'll think it's a lie.
If I don't, he'll assume.
I went with the latter.
I left him assuming I had another round
with my own fingers last night.
I will not be able to defend myself
from unwanted thoughts
and disgusted eyes...
'cause right now he doesn't need
any type of explanation.
He needs to see change.
So, I better start with myself first, aye?
((Breathe me))
Won’t you put your lips against mine
I am a beautiful dying thing
perform your cpr
i can’t promise I will wake
breathe me
I lay next you
I often struggle to breathe
my lungs are heavy
I cant seem to find the words
if I keep saying I am fine
maybe you’ll hear the
the voice inside my head save me
hold me close
I can’t carry my body
no longer
I remove my sketelon
unveil all the parts aren’t so pretty
I’ll vomit out my insides
it be easier for you to bury me
You should unbreathe me
I should have warned you
I am carbon dioxide
selfish of me
i know your in need of oxygen
but I am the one
who is dying silently
I rip away my Ribs
tearing through my chest to get through My heart
I don’t feel like living
it won’t stop fighting
i have turned my bed into a coffin
Depression my pretty symphony
My words a cacaphony
I am loud
but my screams are silent
don’t you see my smile
but my eyes
Don’t you see the help
It’s in the eyes
Sometimes people recognize the hurt in you
Before you even do
they put a life jacket around you
pushing the thought of living down your throat
and it wraps around your chest like a sentence
they say you got to live
cause theirs more to your story
I tell em I don’t wanna keep writing it
let someone else be the author
I tell em anyone could write a euglogy
they say wake up
girl your poetry
oh don’t they realize
poetry is an cathartic confusion
I tell em fine I will write it
but I won’t finish it
they tell me keep painting until you see the person you wanna be
I‘ll Tell em find someone else to be the illustrator
they say who will color in the darkness in rainbows
i’ll Tell em get a painter
they say wake up
your an the emobidient of hope
dont they relaize
i use my bones as a paint brush
dipping into my marrow
oh I sing about pain
I am a baby bird
I still recoil under my wings
my pen
Has became my own addiction
I rip into unhealed wounds
i want to be stable
I often post
then I get traumatic
and feel the stress
and I become the disorder
I am still trying to heal
my body
They say in every line in poetry it is a story
That’s the thing I don’t know where my pain begin and ended
For my past
Is a never ending knife
Of letting go
I stab myself
over and over again
hoping I could for once
be the dragon slayer
i could stop the fire from consuming me
I am a burning house
I am the house
pour your tears
on my soul
I don’t want your pity
sit with me in the silence
dance with me
and why don’t you turn up the record player
I just want to hear someone else
sing the words I can’t say out loud
i’ve been pounding on walls
in my brain
asking if it would free the memory
I am trying to solve my own case
there are parts of me that don’t make sense
i Started taking self love in pills
feeling every whole
to stop the bleeding
I have often
visted my cemetery
And wonder who dare kill the girl who had so much to offer
i hold my hands with my younger self
and forgive her for being a child
but how dare she grow up
without speaking out
I often blame myself
and wonder if she just pointed out the bad guy
maybe she would save her
but how was she to know
when all she knew
were snitches get stiches and end up in ditches
they’ll bury your truth
But you will roar louder than a lion
i be lying if I didn’t admit I like Ursula
stole a voice
my own voice
she will speak her truth even if it burns her village in flames and she will become her own village
I often look at my hands
oh how did I get this way
I dont look in the mirror
scared I see the little girl Me
i Am not yet ready to face her
oh she doesn’t know
the weight of her truth
I stopped weighing myself
I have realized I weigh more than average
because I didn’t have the average life
my baggage vacays in my heart
I stiched up my smile
you’ll never see me drown
I threw all my favorite fairytales away
because Bad guys arent just cartoons
oh i spent my time
pilfering through them
hoping to find out why
him and him and him
didn’t fit the mold
because princes are the bad guys
the ones princess need saving from
Breathe me
breathe in
little girl
oh you can’t blame yourself
You lost yourself in your anger
oh you can’t blame yourself
I will do right by you
I will hold you in my arms
sit you in my lap
and tilt your head to my bosom
and quiet your demons
I will tell you will be okay cause we will make it you and I
we will make it to another birthday
i use to be scared Of my voice
but the little girl in me needs me to speak for us
you have to make amends with the past to heal
for Even red riding hood ... mistaken the big bad wolf for grandma ..
you will learn love too many boys who cry wolf are the wolf themselves
when the memories get too hard to swallow
((breathe ))
(( Breathe ))
(( Breathe ))
The truth will hurt but you will be free ..the little girl in me ..needs her rest ..the road she has traveled has made her tired and weary
Forgive yourself <3 love
signed the past
sent the present
Synchronised In 132BPM
an intense wave of synth
pulsing in a heart beat
like rhytm, loud
spectogram splashed
with colour of energy
and well-crafted tension
grabbed hold of emotions
provoked willing feet
to move wilder
and jump higher
like reversed basslines
with distorted synths
a story within hardstyle
with hip hop touch
which told by yellow claw
from Privilege to Ziggo Dome
sweaty hands
with glowing bracelets
tied ’round the wrists
bottles and plastic cups
raised up in the air
together in a chorus of love
to salute all carefree souls
in the land of EDM
where dance and music
were praised by adherents
of Universal Religion
to keep all highs and lows
in life steady
while ambience stretched
to a state of trance
framing moments
with anachronism
and dash berlin bash
in his progressive house
which filled the silence
in the hearts
till the sky falls down.
♡ 2015-2016..
I want my face resting restless against your clavicle
I want to feel your breath leave slow and shallow at the edges of sleep
I want your hand resting restless on my hip and our fingers curled around each other
I want sleep to come upon me, intoxicating
I want sleep to smother me in you
I want sleep to wrap us both, calm
I want your frame to swallow my restless restlessness and wake with you by my side
Already Dead.
I met a heart,
A sobbing one,
I met a soul,
A breaking one.
I met someone,
Whose heart was beating,
His eyes were open,
And he was breathing.
Yet I could see,
Inside him,
Beyond his attempts to show he is alive,
I could see a dead in him,
I could see a death in him.
He covered his autumn with winter,
In pretty fairness,
And surprisingly,
No one got to know,
That inside, he was dead.
Life wasn’t beyond them,
I could see it in his eyes,
And even if he didn’t reveal in words,
I knew it from his cries,
When his life got carried away in his cries.