Take me back to Kernow where the locals drink brown ale,
Take me back to Mousehole, let me walk among the shale,
Marazion calls me and I cannot let her be,
Take me back to Kernow to my friends down by the sea,
Take me to Saint Michaels Mount, I need to breath the air,
I'll not rest until I see the coves again down there,
Take me down to Smugglers Bay and pack my Hoggie sweet,
Take me back to Kernow to those old close cobbled streets.
Kernow.............Cornwall, England
Mousehole........Pron Mows-ell, a beautiful olde worlde fishing town.
Marazion...........Cornish town
Hoggie..............Home made pastry with stew at one end and dessert at the other. Made lovingly by the good wives for their fishermen husbands.
There's a wonderful day that comes every year,
A time when everyone can hoot and cheer,
This day is always full of fun and folly,
That we don't sleep the night before fully,
But when it is over we shall slumber,
Like a pile of dogs and lumber.
Can you guess when it is?
It's a day for you and only you,
Where the candy crunches and the sodas fizz,
It's your birthday! Woo!
Therapy Stinks
Tomorrow is my third
Therapy appointment
That I asked for a long time ago
I've dreaded these
Ever since the very first one I had
They make me want to sob
Because I feel like I'm being stripped bare
But I know it's important to be honest
With these kinds of things
Most of the time I feel
Like I can't do it
And all I want to do is run far away
But I have to remember
That Demi did this once
For much harder reasons
And if she can do it
So can I
I just have to remember
That she wants me to speak out
And get the help I need
The Ravine
I'm slipping down into the deep ravine.
The sticks and branches break me at the knee.
The darkness has already consumed me.
Don't let anyone kid you. This place is mean.
The swamp resides on bottom the ravine.
Once inside, good luck breaking yourself free.
Panes of glass soon begin encasing me.
Just a few have the key to intervene.
A gentle storm washes away the pains.
All is healed with flashes of lightening.
The rumble of thunder ends the complains.
What once I found comfort, now frightening.
The darkness fades with the pouring of rains.
What once scared me is now enlightening.
My 100th post and i’m blabbering about my life
First of, i wanted to write a special poem for my 100th post but my brain isn't functioning well right now(i'm blaming the lack of sleep, too much tea and too much practice for the graduation of the kids which can't seem to keep off my mind) so maybe on my 200th post instead. :)
When i started Prose it wasn't because i knew about it. Infact, i didn't even have an idea this app exist. (Yes i'm not that techie, i don't even check the app store,forgive me..haha) anyway, I was on wattpad and one of my favorite writer there said to give Prose a chance. So i did. I made an account and joined. I thought this would be like my other social apps, hidden inside an untouched folder on my phone. But SURPRISINGLY no. I became addicted. (To a point where i can just glue my phone on my hand now, which is very unlikely of me since i don't really paid that much attention on my phone.) and in almost three weeks Ta-dah!i'm on my 100th post!
With Prose, it became an outlet of my emotions. It allowed me to be vulnerable without appearing weak.
With every post i make it's like letting strangers get a piece of myself. (Which if you personally knew me you'll think i'm a snob because i don't talk to people, i don't make eye contact.i live by the words a man can be an island) and the good thing is, i'm not afraid. Anymore. Prose has released the emotional baggage i've been carrying half of my life. When two of my loved ones had died, I didn't cry. I was living in the denial world. (My ex died like 4yrs ago and my dad died 3yrs ago and sadly i only stopped texting them just 2months ago. I know pathetic right?) I always think that they just went out of town or country or busy. I didn't have anyone to talk to when they died, my friends words were like a repetetive record but did nothing to console me. I busied myself with books,work and work and businesses. I wanted to tire myself so much so i don't have the time to think about them. I don't sleep, i go home late to feel exhausted. Then Prose came, and i as relieved from it all. I feel renewed. With every like and comment that i get its like finally i know i'm not alone. Or lonely. I've met great friends here, great people with great minds and i couldn't be anymore thankful for that. Even though its just from this little app, you guys mean the world to me and beyond. So THANK YOU! :)
danger comes in all shapes and sizes
It's toxic to be around chemicals for too long and to consume poison
It's also been confirmed that letting smoke live in your lungs will rot them like the bananas sitting in your kitchen
Another toxic thing is the gasoline that accidentally drips onto the ground while you pour it in your car, allowing the smell to travel to your brain, mixing up thoughts you thought were solid
The boy in your math class is also toxic, and he seems to constantly be under pressure because every time you see him, his green eyes seem to resemble a crystal more and more
But the thing that no one ever warns you about, is the person that festers in your brain, deteriorating every positive thought you once had towards yourself
And that is the thing that will kill you faster than anything else
I love them but they drive me insane with their antics and forced emotions
They are the typical high school girls
They will scream when it's expected
And laugh too much when it's not
They are beautiful and constantly live in summer mode- smiling and letting the sun reflect off their eyes to attract attention
(And they will always get the attention they want)
No time to create a work of art // sometimes you just have to write without edits
It hurts
I'm hurting
There's pain in my chest and I can't get enough breath and I'm forgetting how to breathe
My head throbs
My eyes burn
And I can't figure out how
to get my damn fingers to work
Moths are gnawing at the pit of my stomach and making
their way up my throat
and into the light
The light in my eyes
When I'm with you
But there's too much pain
It's overwhelming
I can't think
I'm folding in on myself
Drowning in bittersweet emotions
I'm withering away
And I'm about to sink