Posiden’s Big Secret
They weren’t friends, so why did they have to work together on this report, and why did they work so well?
“Haylee...” The teacher tapped her chin, “Haylee, and Blake!” Mrs. Morse looked at them both, “you two will work on this project together.”
“WHAT?” They both yelled, looking at each other.
“I can’t work with him. I don’t even know him,” Haylee scrunched her nose up.
“This is why I’m pairing you two up.” Mrs. Morse smiled, “the whole point of this assignment is to learn and grow with new people.”
Their class was doing a report on Greek gods and goddesses, and if they weren’t in pairs Mrs. Mores would have to read twenty-two papers. Making friends was just her being lazy. Neither Blake nor Haylee wanted to work together, but they both loved ancient Greece. Blake wanted to write about Zeus. He thought that Zeus was so perfect, and Haylee wanted to do Athena. She thought that Athena was the most beautiful and wise goddess in the world.
“She has a brain the size of a walnut!” Blake yelled at Haylee, “we’re not writing about her!”
“She has a bigger brain than you and Zeus combined!” Haylee fought back.
“Issues?” Mrs. Mores interrupted. “If you two can’t decide civilly, then I’ll pick for you.” her stare meant that she was serious. Both Blake and Haylee looked at each other, then back at the snarling teacher.
“No no no,” Haylee tried not to look her in the eyes.
“We were just talking, we said that we’re doing Poseidon.” Blake continued.
“Okay then,” Mrs. Mores said. “Just no more fighting.” She walked away from them cautiously to check on the rest of the class.
“Poseidon? Really?” Haylee slapped Blake.
“Yea. Got a problem with it?” he looked at her straight in the eyes.
“Not exactly.”
They both knew nothing about Poseidon, but it was easier than having Mrs. Mores pick. It was about time for first bell to ring, so Haylee started to clean up her items.
“Hey,” she said pausing for a moment, “you’re not so bad. I had fun researching with you.” She turned, grinning, and walked away, her hair swaying back and forth with every step. Blake looked at her as she walked, thinking to himself, ‘she’s not so bad’
It had been about a week, and Blake and Haylee were slowly becoming friends. They had turned in their project and got an A.
“I didn’t know that you loved Ancient Greece that much.” Blake said to Haylee kinda surprised.
“I didn’t know that you knew how to read above a third-grade level.” Haylee joked.
They had made plans to go to the mall after school, but Haylee had gotten homework so they both had to stay at home. They texted back and forth, and Blake asked Haylee what she loved most about Greece, but Haylee didn’t answer. Becoming worried, he called her. No answer. He told his mom, and she told him that she was probably busy and not to worry about it. The next day, Haylee wasn’t at school, yet a note on her locker. It said: Blake, I know I’m not perfect and I know we were different, but I loved being your friend. Don’t worry about me, we’re having fun here in the sea under Mount Olympus. We hang out with the sea creatures and swim all the time. You will always be my best friend, Love Haylee. Blake read it three times before taking a breath, but when he did, he ran down the hall to Mrs. Morse's room. She wasn’t there, so he called his mom. She didn’t answer. He was getting worried, at first, he thought that this was all a bad joke. Now he was realizing that Haylee was missing, and he couldn’t get anyone to care, he was all alone. Some say that he went crazy and drowned looking for Haylee. Personally I think that he was taken by Poseidon that way he couldn’t tell anyone about the note, but no one ever said anything about either of them. No one seemed to care, no missing signs, no investigations, nothing happened.
This is a love story covered in friendship that was torn apart.
Life’s Mysteries: Part 1
Cancer. They said she had gotten cancer, but it’s not true. My mother had died three years ago of “cancer” but the funny thing is that she wasn’t sick. No one knew what happened, but I was the only one to find out. I’ve never felt like I belonged with anyone. I’ve always felt distant and it killed me to see that my own mother was lied to. Right in front of her. Looking her dead in the eyes.
“Cancer.” The doctors looked suspiciously at me, then each other. “I’m so sorry, but you probably won’t make it threw the night.”
“This can’t be right.” I blurted out without thinking. “You cannot possibly tell me that I only have one night left with her and you’re not even going to try and save her? What is wrong with you?”
“Ma’am, I know this is hard for you, but-”
“No! No buts. I deserve to know when she got this, and why it took so long to know. I’m only 14. I can’t live alone. I can’t stand life without her. Save her. Please” Tears streamed down my face slowly as the following words infected my brain with sadness.
“I’m sorry. There’s nothing we can do.” The doctors left the room one by one, but just before the last woman walked out, she looked into my eyes, nodded with her pale hand on my shoulder, and walked away.
“Baby girl?” My mom’s voice was horas and quiet.
“Yes?” I tried my hardest to keep from balling, but I seemed to be failing.
“I need you to be strong. I need my warrior. I need my amazing Laura May.”
“Mommy I can’t.” It happened. I couldn’t contain my tears any longer. I leaned down and wrapped my arms around her neck as she leaned up as far as her connected tubes allowed her to. “I can’t be by myself. You have to be okay.”
“You and I know that I’m probably not going to be here when you wake up sweetie.”
“I won’t sleep then. I won’t close my eyes even for a second.”
“Get your rest. I love you.”
“I love you too.” I whispered as the doctors interrupted.
It was maybe four in the morning when I couldn’t hold my eyes open anymore. I woke up around seven, and the room was empty. There was the chair that I'd fallen asleep in and a desk. What happened to the other chairs, the trash can, where did the bed holding my mother go? I was in such shock that I didn’t even realize that the doctor from yesterday had sat down on the floor next to me. Once more, she looked into my eyes. I remembered the way her face curved. I remembered the way she looked as her still, straight hand lay on mine. I hadn’t blinked before I was being held like a princess with my arms around her neck. She was running. I was fine so I don’t know why she was running down the hallway and yelling that she needed another doctor and fast. I looked down as the look on her face went from fear to pain. My side was covered in blood. My blood. I couldn’t feel anything though. I couldn’t feel the pain that was supposed to be there. I yelled. No one looked. I yelled once more and still nothing. I was right there. I was fine, and no one saw me. I grabbed her arm and she stopped. The whole hospital stood still. I could feel the tension between the floors, and I felt her heart stop as she finally looked at me. A few nurses screamed and ran over. She was in shock that I was looking her straight in the eyes.
“I’m fine.” she waved her hands in people's faces, but nothing happened.
“They won't hear you.” I placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Yes they will. I'm okay they have to know that.” Her eyes grew dark as she realized the truth...
New Old Friends
When she was a little girl, she had nothing to worry about. When she became a teenager, it was all about the boys. When she turned 15, she was kicked out and forced to live in different places. Tessa was about to move all her items out of her mom’s house when she got a call. Asher Bell had been trying to call her all day, and every time she would decline, he would call again. She picked it up and he said something about the park at her college then hung up. Tessa had been in her bunny pajamas all day and decided that she couldn’t leave like that. She pulled her barely long enough hair into her neon-blue hair tie. After looking at shirt after shirt, Tessa settled on her depressing blue V-neck t. she’d also found an old pair of black leggings so she could wear her black sandals. A few pieces had already fallen out of the loose ponytail. They curved around her pale lightly freckled face and almost made it into her light grey-blue eyes. She was on her way to the college when she heard a noise. It was loud and ear-splitting, but she kept going. Tessa walked over to the door of Asher’s dorm and knocked quietly.
“Hello?” She said.
“Who is it?” A voice yelled back, but it wasn’t Asher’s.
“Um... never mind. Wrong room.” Tessa walked away in confusion.
She called Asher to see where he was, but he didn’t pick up. She texted him asking what was going on. He still didn’t answer.
“HEY,” a voice yelled from behind her. “Why did you call me? I’ve been at your dorm for like an hour.” Tessa whipped around in fear.
“Asher!” She jumped, “You could’ve answered my text dude. I was scared.”
She walked up to him to playfully hit his arm. He gave a fake whine and winked at her to let her know that she did absolutely nothing to him. Asher almost always wore a t-shirt and jeans. That night, he wore a light grey shirt with his distressed jeans that he’d been sitting in for three years. Tessa could tell he had just woken up a little before his calls. Mostly because of his disarranged hair that slightly covered his face. Under the light, she could’ve sworn that his hair was a dark brown, with some faded streaks of black from middle school. Asher’s Levi’s had been worn to pieces but were still in operation. In the dim moonlight, his skin was a dark olive tone, and his strong hazel eyes sparkled as he gazed upon Tessa's soft figure in front of him. Tessa and Asher weren’t mean to each other, but they did have some heated arguments. Asher always picked on Tessa, saying that she liked him and that she was too scared to say it. She would always tell him that she didn’t and that if she ever dated him then god would’ve taken all the good ones. She did like him though, and secretly, she was telling him. Asher had a best friend that we can call Sam. She did everything with Asher and was the only person who knew about his little crush on Tessa and her crush on him. She didn’t let either know, namely because she didn’t want their friendship to change.
Sam and Tessa hated each other the year before, but now they had become good friends. Tessa trusted her with everything and had even told her about something that only she knew. That’s what really made the deal between them. Not even Asher could change that. Asher looked at Tessa for a solid two minutes before he asked,
“Whatcha thinking about?”
“Nothing.” Tessa replied, “Just thinking about Sam.”
“Yea, I miss her too.” He looked down gliding his foot on the ground.
“I wonder how she’s doing down there,” Tessa’s face had gone from almost no emotion to wonder, fear, and sadness all in one movement to make a slight frown.
“I can promise you that she misses you just as much as you to her.” Asher half smiled at her as to apply sympathy.
He put his arm around her shoulders, and she put hers around him as they walked to the bench in front of the school. They sat in silence for what seemed like forever. Tessa glanced at Asher to see if he was looking at her, unsurprisingly, he was. He was looking, smiling, just being his goofy self. She loved him as a brother, and even though he thought he shouldn’t, he loved her in a different way. Tessa didn’t know it and he didn’t want her to. Everything was finally going right in his world. He had planned on telling her tonight, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t tell her that he had a crush on her, that he was the guy she needed, and that she was perfect in his eyes.
It was almost three in the morning when they started home, and Asher insisted on walking Tessa to her door. Tessa was about to tell Asher good night when he kissed her out of nowhere. Tessa just stood there in shock as Asher told her goodnight all awkwardly and walked back down the few steps to leave.
It had been almost a week since the kiss and neither Tessa nor Asher had said anything about it. They were on their way home from school when Asher finally broke the silence.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Tessa just looked down at the floor.
“Should we tell Sam?”
“That’s not really my concern right now,” she said.
What they didn’t know was, Sam was back, and she wanted to surprise them. Sam waited near the stop that Asher and Tessa said that they usually got dropped off and waited until she saw the white public bus. She stood behind a tree giggling to herself. Asher got off the bus after Tessa and as they started down the street, Sam lightly followed behind. They were talking about going down to Florida to see Sam on spring break. She was about to jump into the conversation when she heard Tessa ask Asher who he liked. Asher had never told Sam, so she stayed back to know his answer. Not surprisingly, he said no one. She put an arm around Asher’s shoulder along with Tessa’s and spoke loud and clear just to shock them.
“I like someone.”
“Sam! We’ve missed you some much!” Asher hugged her with a huge smile on his face.
“I need to talk to you about so much that’s happened. I’ve missed my best friend.” Tessa hugged Sam as hard as she could to make up for all the lost ones.
“I’ve missed you guys too,” She said with her strawberry blonde hair swaying in the breeze. Her loose, red, summer dress hung off her hips with the seam ending just at her mid-knee. The light cherry blossoms looked as though they really swayed with the bright fabric. Sam’s red toenails peeked out from under her strapped sandals. Her light peach skin was darkened from the tan she’d developed, and her freckles had gotten more noticeable. The fact that her blue braces had disappeared in the past while had made it harder to ignore her beauty in the sunlight. Sam’s light rose lips stretched when she smiled at her friends. Just walking near them had made her ocean eyes bluer and more carefree. Her cheeks had been blushed lightly from the sun and the dimples that were only the slightest seeable formed in the first conversations of the year with her chosen family.
Sam walked with them to Asher’s house where they used to hang out after school. Sam told them all about Florida and how amazing her school was. Asher and Tessa kept looking at each other wondering if they should tell her about the kiss. After Sam stopped talking, Tessa put her hand on Sam’s and looked at her as she was about to cry.
“What? Tessa, what’s wrong?” Sam asked.
“Um. Asher and I kind of kiss.” Tessa looked at her feet and then back at Sam. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you saying sorry? It’s your choice to do what you want.” Sam smiled.
“We don’t know. We just weren't sure how’d you react.” Asher said.
Sam was about to tell them that she was coming out of the closet and that she liked a girl when Tessa pulled everyone in for a group hug. Tessa let go and asked Sam who she liked, Sam was about to say Jag, a girl she met in Florida, but was scared. Instead, she told them that she hadn’t found anyone cool yet. They looked at her suspiciously, but let it go. Sam kept saying in the back of her mind, ‘I need to tell them about her, I just have to.’ Asher was about to go tell Sam bye when suddenly, he felt a tug at his shirt sleeve.
“Are you gonna tell me bye or not?” Tessa softly said with a wink.
“I didn’t know that leaving yet,” He said back.
“Okay lovebirds, knock it off until I’m at least a mile away,” Sam jumped in.
“We’re not lovebirds. We kissed a small little kiss.” Tessa rolled her eyes at Sam.
“Whatever,” Sam said back.
Asher looked a little disappointed, but he didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to be rejected or made fun of, so he just smiled and pretended to listen.
It had been a few days since Sam came back, and it was almost time for Sam’s plane to leave. Tessa asked if she could pull Sam to the side. They walked off a little way away, and Tessa looked Sam in the eyes.
“I have nowhere to live. Do you know any places that are cheap in Florida?” She asked as she pulled out a plane ticket.
“Oh my gosh! Tessa are you coming to Florida with me!?” Sam said with extreme happiness.
“Not just me.” She pointed to Asher who was holding his ticket up for Sam.
“You guys!” Sam looked back and forth as Asher walked over to join them.
“We want to make sure that you’re okay with it,” Asher said.
“I’ve got a place, but Tessa can’t find a cheap one.” Asher elbowed Tessa jokingly.
“Come stay with me. I’m lonely in my apartment.” Sam held Tessa’s hands hoping she’d say yes.
“Yes. I would love to stay with my best girl.” Tessa hugged Sam.
“Plane 142, plane 142 is leaving in ten minutes.” A voice came over the loudspeaker,
Asher, Sam, and Tessa all held hands till the last second upon getting off the plane. Asher and Tessa looked around in amazement.
“It’s beautiful here.” Tessa looked at Sam.
“It’s nice, but we all have stuff to do so I say that we all go to our living spaces and unpack.” Asher Said.
“Meet at the beach in let's say two hours?” Sam shrugged.
“Deal” Asher replied.
They walked in different directions when all this sudden, Asher turned around and hugged them both.
“I’m sorry.” He stepped away to give them space.
“What are you sorry about?” Tessa looked in his eyes.
“Asher don’t,” Sam wouldn’t look at Tessa.
“What.” she said, “What is she talking about Asher?”
“I have to tell her.” He said almost in tears.
“Tessa,” he grabbed her hand. “I’m so sorry that I lied to you.”
“Lied about what? When?” She was starting to get angry.
“I told you that you liked me and that you were just too scared to say it.” he had a few small tears running down his face. “I like you. I was the one who was scared and I’m so sorry that I didn’t tell you and that I kept it for so long.”
“Asher. It’s okay.” Tessa put her bag down and gently put her now free hand on his cheek to wipe away the tears. She then whipped around to Sam. “Sam. You knew?” she spoke in a hurt way.
“No. That’s not what I thought he was going to say.” She was just as confused as Tessa.
“What were you telling him not to do?” Tessa questioned.
“I’ll tell her,” Asher said.
“No, it’s okay. I'll tell her.” Sam turned full forward to Tessa. “I need to tell you something and you can’t freak out,” she said. Tessa nodded. “I don’t actually live here. I live in a little place with a crappy roof and a freaking straw door.” She said ashamed, “I didn’t want you to think that I was a loser for not living with my parents.”
“Why would I ever think that?” Tessa hugged Sam and held her hands on her shoulders. “I think that living on a beach would be fun.” She said with a wink.
Asher just kinda watched for a minute but decided that he had to join them. After their hug had departed, Sam put an arm around Tessa and Tessa did the same. They’d agreed to meet at the West end of the beach near Sam’s hut. Asher was the first to turn around, but before he started walking, Tessa gave him one more brief hug and walked away.
Sam and Tessa were on their way to the beach when they heard an earsplitting scream. A girl was being beaten by a man in all dark clothes. Sam had recognized that scream. She heard it in while walking by a drama class almost a week earlier. Jag, Sam’s secret crush was in the corner of an ally, trying to shield herself from the abuse. Before thinking, Sam dropped her bag and pushed the man out of the way. She knelt in front of Jag and embraced her. Tessa, being the supporting friend she is, followed Sam into the ally of pain. A split second before she reached the two women, the man busted her arm with the small bat in his hand, forcing her to the ground. She was so close to them but couldn’t keep them from the strikes that were thrown at them.
Sirens! Sirens screamed as blue and red lights flashed down the street. The man stopped abruptly and ran down the ally. It was too little too late for him though. The cop commanded the man to put his hands up. Blinded by the lights, all three girls couldn’t see who was put into the backseat, but to honest, I don’t think they cared at that point.
“Are you okay?” Tessa asked with her hand on her hurting side.
“I’m okay, Are you?” Sam responded looking at Jag.
“I guess I’m alright,” she weakly said.
The officers then questioned them and asked if they were going to need medical assistance. They all answered with no and started walking down the street. Tessa stared talking with Jag, asking her what all happened, and who she was. Sam was on the outside of the conversation, but she still listened to make sure nothing to open was said. It was about midnight when Tessa and Sam made it to where they were meeting Asher. He was still waiting at the boardwalk just looking down at the swaying waters.
“Hey.” Tessa yelled, “pretty boy.”
Asher turned around in surprise to see another girl with them. He was starting to think he was delusional.
“Hey.” He waved at the girls. “Who is this?” He asked.
“I’m Jag,” she slightly moved her hand.
“Nice to meet you Jag,” Asher put out a hand for her to high five but dropped it back down.
“So, sorry we're late. We had a little bit of a setback.” Sam said.
“Yea. A three-hour setback.” Asher crossed his arms.
“We had to change and get to know Jag a little.” Tessa protested.
“Sorry that I made you late. You shouldn’t have helped me.” Jag cut in.
“What do you mean helped?” Asher asked.
“Tessa and Sam helped me in an alleyway some ways back,” Jag explained the whole situation. Asher swept all three girls into a hug and held them there a minute.
“Okay. You can leg go now; you’re sort of hurting our bruises.” Sam warned him.
Asher let loose and Tessa sighed a breath of relief. They all walked down the beach with each other and were on their way to get some ice cream for the wounded ladies. The ice cream shop was closed due to how late it was. Asher and Sam went to look for a place for everyone to get food while Tessa and Jag waited at the storefront. Sam was worried some about Jag accidentally saying something, but she chose to ignore it. It had been a few minutes of Tessa and Jag talking when Jag said something about Sam not liking anyone, and made Tessa think about how she said that there was a guy at her school.
“Sam said that she liked a guy in her school,” Tessa said confused.
“She’s not into guys,” Jag said even more confused. “She’s on the other side of the water.”
“She never said anything,” Tessa said.
“Oh. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.” Jag apologized and tried to grin a little.
“No. You’re fine, don’t be sorry,” Tessa said with a faint smile.
As Tessa finished her sentence, Asher and Sam came back with a plastic bag with “Ben’s Burger’s” written on it in big letters.
“Hey,” Sam waved.
“Yea. Hey.” Tessa stood from the ground and crossed her arms at Sam.
“What?” She said. “What did I do?”
“Well. I thought you liked “guys”.” She smirked.
“Yea, care to explain?”
“Tess, please let me explain.”
“You could’ve explained if you would’ve told us. I gotta go.”
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t know yet. I have to find a place to live.”
“Tess please.”
Tessa didn’t let Sam finish her sentence before turning to the beach and walking away. She didn’t look back and she didn’t want to. She walked and walked, thinking about what Sam thought would happen if she had told her.
Tessa had been walking for miles, and all she found was more beach. It seemed to go on forever in her mind, but she knew it would end and she’d have to stop walking. The sun was starting to rise and gave what felt like a golden streak of warmth over her body. Tessa’s clothes were dirty, and her sneakers had filled with sand. She knew that at some point she’d have to go back and get her stuff. Her hair was oily, her eyes were tired, and she felt like her brain cells were dying slowly by the minute. Tessa was hungry, tired, aching, and she missed her best friend. It was about noon when she decided to tell Sam that she was sorry and try to repair some of the friendship that she’d built up little by little.
“Ring,” Tessa picked up on the first ring, hoping it was Sam. It wasn’t.
“Have you seen Sam?” Asher’s voice was panicked like he’d just run a marathon.
“No. Why?”
“She’s missing.” He spoke hard and flustered at the same time.
“What do you mean she’s missing? It’s been a while since I saw her, but she couldn’t have gone far.”
“I’ve been looking ever since she ran off crying.”
“She was crying? I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry. This is all my fault.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is, I was the last person to talk to her.”
“It’s okay, but if we're going to find her, we have to do it now before she does something.”
“Okay. Where are you?”
“I’m a little past the pier on the left side looking near her place. Where are you?”
“I’m around the end of the beach on the right. I’ll look around the town a little and you look around stores, dark hid outs, anything you can find.”
“Okay. I gotta go. Bye”
“B-” The line ended. Asher didn’t even let her finish, she wondered what was going on but didn’t worry about that too much. She had to find Sam.
It had been a few hours since Asher’s call and still no luck. Jag hadn’t been heard from since the blowout, but Tessa had the slightest feeling that she might have some information.
“Hello?” A muffled voice answered.
“Jag? Is that you?”
“No. It’s Sam. Tessa?”
“Oh my god, Sam. Asher and I Have been looking for you for hours. Where are you?”
“I’m with Jag and Asher near the place where we had our moment.” Sam’s voice still sounded confused and covered. “Why are you talking about looking for me?”
“Asher called and told me that no one had seen you since last night.”
“Oh. I guess he was playing a trick or something but we're all at Jag’s mom’s restaurant.”
“Ugh. Okay.”
“If you’re not still mad, I'd like to apologize.”
“I wasn’t mad. I just was really hurt that you couldn’t tell your friends.” Tessa sniffed at the thought of almost losing her best friend. “You shouldn’t be sorry. I was the one out of line and I'm sorry.”
“It’s not your fault that you reacted like every other human being.”
“Can we just go back to no secrets?”
“As long as I can pick on you for liking Asher.” Sam laughed.
“Deal.” Tessa joined in. “Where did you say you were?”
“Well I was just at the restaurant, but were leaving to go to the rocks on the south side of the beach if you want to meet us there.”
“Sounds good.”
“Alright. Bye.”
Sam grinned at the thought of getting her best friend back. She knew that it wasn’t going to be the same, but that after gaining trust back, they’d get close. She gathered her things and headed towards the beach with Jag and Asher. On their way, Jag saw Tessa and they joined each other. The sun was just about to set as they sat at the rocks, talking, laughing, and listening to the crashing waves. Tessa and Sam sat together in between Jag and Asher. They all had their arms around each other and heads on shoulders as everyone fell asleep. The next day, Tessa woke up Asher so that they could walk down the beach some before Jag and Sam noticed. They had the two girls leaned in one another. Asher had pulled a small heart-shaped locket out of his left back pocket with a picture of her and him together.
“I got one for Jag and Sam as well.” He winked while pushing his free hand through his tangled hair.
“Oh yes, they’d be so jealous if only I had one.” Tessa smiled.
“A lots happened in the past week, you never know.”
“That is very true. I don’t think they even have a picture together do they?”
“I got one of them last night in front of the sunset.”
“You really planned everything didn’t you,” Tessa stopped walking for a moment. “Do you think that they’ll end up together?”
“They might.” Asher wrapped his fingers in hers. “Does it matter?”
“I guess not. I’m just used to it being the three of us.”
“It’ll be weird anyway. Might as well add something else to the pile.”
“I guess that’s true. Do you think that it’ll be weird between you and me?”
“No doubt about it.” Asher looked playfully at Tessa, “Want to see who’s faster?”
“It’s obviously me.” Tessa let go of his grip and sped off.
“That’s not fair, you got a head start!” Asher yelled as he ran after her.
“You think you’re faster, so prove it.” Just after they stopped in the sand, out of breath, Tessa’s phone went off.
“Sam.” The pair said followed by a chuckle from the synced words.
“Hey. Where are you guys?” Sam sounded tired and still half asleep.
“Asher and I went for a walk while you guys slept.” Tessa’s voice was scattered by her lack of air.
“Oh. Well, Jag and I are going to get breakfast. Why are you out of breath?”
“If you wait a minute we can join. We had a race.”
“Nah, that’s okay. We can get you something if you want though.” She sounded excited but too lazy to fully express it. “Did you win?”
“You know I did.” Tessa dramatized her voice as to tease. “Were good, thanks.”
“Okay. You’re on speaker phone if you want to say anything to Jag.”
“So are you.” Tessa, still exasperated, commented. “Hi, Jag. Don’t let Sam get coffee or else she’s all yours.”
“Alright.” Jag giggled. “I won’t.”
“Hey, Asher. Get your arm off Tessa’s shoulder.” Sam joked.
“How did you know that?” He moved his arm immediately.
“I was guessing.” Sam laughed.
“Alright. You and Jag go get breakfast, and Asher and I will meet you back at the rock in a few.” Tessa ended the joke.
“Okay. Have fun, and if I have any extra pancakes, I’ll give them to you.” Sam replied.
“Got it.” Tessa grinned. “See you guys later, bye.”
“See you later, bye” Sam hung up almost as she said the words.
“We’ve got time if you want to get breakfast too.” Asher intertwined his fingers in hers.
“Sure. We can only get it if I can pick the place though.” Tessa smiled up at him.
“I’ll take that deal.” Asher and Tessa started walking back down the beach towards the sidewalk. They got breakfast and texted Sam and to let them know that they were going back to the rocks. Sam and Jag had finished a few minutes before and were on their way near they’re two friends. When the friends met back at the rocks, Jag fully introduced herself as Jaylynn Amber Grey. Jag for short. She had been friends with Sam since the beginning of her year at the school. She also explained that she and Sam started dating about a week ago when she told Sam that she didn’t like guys. That was why Sam was so cheerful on the way to the airport. Everyone got her phone number so they could all keep in touch after Asher and Tessa went back to West Virginia.
Asher called the school that he and Tessa went to say that they wouldn’t be there for a few days. The trio had become a quartet in a matter of a few days. It could be for the better, or for the worse. They didn’t care about what might happen later in the future. All they wanted was to spend the last warm days they had with Sam and Jag in the sun.
Sam and Jag are still together to this day and Tessa Is still in love with Asher. Forever is a long time, but when you have someone to spend it with, forever is just another word for time. Asher, Tessa, Sam, and Jag are still good friends, but I have a feeling that something might change in the next while.
She was a small girl, and her heart was pure. Her mother was in jail, and her father was abusive. He made her promise not to tell anyone what he did and made her cover up all her bruises. Still, she was a sweet girl with a sad smile and a slow walk. Linn Bray was a good girl, the girl next door. One day, while she was at school her phone, went off and, she sweat at the thought of it being her father. It wasn’t. It was Sam, Samantha Quinn was Linn’s best friend and was the only one who knew about her father. Linn looked at the text, it read: LINN! YOUR DADS HERE!!!!! GET OUT OF THAT CLASS! Linn knew exactly what to do. She asked her teacher, Mrs. Lewis, If she could stay in this class for a little while. Mrs. Lewis was skeptical but let her stay.
“Thank you, I’ll Tell you why after I can make sure that it’s okay for me to leave.” She said with a breath of relief.
“You’re very welcome Linn. Just pretend that you’re here for an extension class.” Mrs. Lewis smiled.
They both stood in the room with the next class, Linn knew that her father would wait at least until lunch. Or until he was forced to leave. Mrs. Lewis decided that she needed to know what was going on so, she asked
She waited for a second. Convinced that Linn heard her, she said it a little louder.
“Yes?” Linn answered.
“Please tell me what’s going on. I need to know or you can’t stay in here.” Mrs. Lewis looked at Linn with a confused but stern look.
“If I tell you, you have to promise not to go to anyone about it.”
“Okay, Linn. I promise.”
“I have to stay in here because my dad’s in the building, and he can’t be around me at school. It’s not going to go down smoothly if he is.” Linn was serious. She had tears in her eyes just thinking about what she’d just said.
“I don’t understand. You need to be more specific, why can’t you tell me?”
“My dad abuses me.” Linn was balling, tears were just happening even if she didn’t want them.
“Oh Linn, I’m so sorry.” Mrs. Lewis was almost crying with Linn.
“I’m fine, but I need to stay in here until he’s gone.
“Okay, well if you ever need to talk to I’m here.” Mrs. Lewis looked sincere, even though she tried to hide it, she was about to cry.
“WOW!” Stacey said in amazement.
“I know right! My student told me and I’m thinking of telling child protective services.” Mrs. Lewis broke her promise to Linn.
You see, Mrs. Lewis wasn’t a very good person herself. She couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. You heard the sweet beginning of Linn’s story by a girl who has hope for everyone but herself. Yea. I’m not all about happy endings like her, and she can be like that, no judgment here but I show the whole truth. Not just the nice part. Ms. Lewis had told Stacey, one of her friends, about Linn and, kept none of her promise.
“You should. This isn’t just a little discipline.” Stacey said to Mrs. Lewis.
“I don’t know, Stacey she told me not to tell anyone.” Mrs. Lewis confessed.
“Then...” Stacey paused, thinking of what to say. “Never mind.”
Stacey knew that if she asked why she was told then Mrs. Lewis would start a whole problem. She decided to just tell CPS herself...
“Hello? This is Child Protective Services, is there a problem?” A woman had asked Stacey on the other line.
Stacey tried to speak, but for some reason, no sound came out.
“Hello? Is there a problem?” The woman said once more.
Stacey hung up. She couldn’t do it, but she knew she had to. She called again hoping for someone different to answer.
“Hello? This is Child Protective Services, Is there a problem?” A man had answered this time.
“Yes. A child is being abused by her father.” Stacey quivered in fear. This call made her think of when she was abused by her mother and told no one.
“Okay, ma’am. Where is the address? Do you have the child with you?” the man pronounced calmly
“I don’t know the address. I don’t have the child either.” She said almost in tears. “Can you give me a second? I can get the address.”
“Yes, get the address and call me back.” the man hung up.
Stacey looked at her phone, thinking of a way to get the address of the girl.
She thought, and thought, and thought, and thought. Then, she got it. ‘I can get it from Janes computer!’ She said to herself. She went to the school where Jane worked (Mrs. Lewis) and looked for her computer. When she found it, she noticed that there was no password. She went to the student files and found Linn Bray. Then found, 224 Sanely Road. She wrote the address down on a stray piece of paper she’d grabbed on her way out of her apartment. Stacey called CPS again.
“Hello? This is Child Prote-” The man didn’t get t finish.
“Yea I know. I’m Stacey, and I called earlier. I was told to call again when I got the address of the girl that’s being abused?” Stacey quickly spoke as she rushed out of the school.
“Yes. Let me get Mr. Roberts for you,” he said.
“Hello? I was told this is the girl from earlier?” Mr. Roberts asked.
“YES! I got the address!” she excitedly said.
“It’s 224 Sanely Road.” Stacey felt so happy that she was preventing this horrible man from hurting his daughter.
“Okay. We’ll be there right away.” Mr. Roberts said.
Sadly, when they got to the house Linn was gone. No one had seen her since her talk with Mrs. Lewis. Some people say that she ran away, and some say that she was killed and hidden. Some even say that her father told her to leave and never come back. No one knows what happened, but Linn was never found...
She was a small girl, and her heart was pure. Her mother was in jail, and her father was abusive. He made her promise not to tell anyone what he did and made her cover up all her bruises. Still, she was a sweet girl with a sad smile and a slow walk. Linn Bray was a good girl, the girl next door. One day, while she was at school her phone, went off and, she sweat at the thought of it being her father. It wasn’t. It was Sam, Samantha Quinn was Linn’s best friend and was the only one who knew about her father. Linn looked at the text, it read: LINN! YOUR DADS HERE!!!!! GET OUT OF THAT CLASS! Linn knew exactly what to do. She asked her teacher, Mrs. Lewis, If she could stay in this class for a little while. Mrs. Lewis was skeptical but let her stay.
“Thank you, I’ll Tell you why after I can make sure that it’s okay for me to leave.” She said with a breath of relief.
“You’re very welcome Linn. Just pretend that you’re here for an extension class.” Mrs. Lewis smiled.
They both stood in the room with the next class, Linn knew that her father would wait at least until lunch. Or until he was forced to leave. Mrs. Lewis decided that she needed to know what was going on so, she asked
She waited for a second. Convinced that Linn heard her, she said it a little louder.
“Yes?” Linn answered.
“Please tell me what’s going on. I need to know or you can’t stay in here.” Mrs. Lewis looked at Linn with a confused but stern look.
“If I tell you, you have to promise not to go to anyone about it.”
“Okay, Linn. I promise.”
“I have to stay in here because my dad’s in the building, and he can’t be around me at school. It’s not going to go down smoothly if he is.” Linn was serious. She had tears in her eyes just thinking about what she’d just said.
“I don’t understand. You need to be more specific, why can’t you tell me?”
“My dad abuses me.” Linn was balling, tears were just happening even if she didn’t want them.
“Oh Linn, I’m so sorry.” Mrs. Lewis was almost crying with Linn.
“I’m fine, but I need to stay in here until he’s gone.
“Okay, well if you ever need to talk to I’m here.” Mrs. Lewis looked sincere, even though she tried to hide it, she was about to cry.
“WOW!” Stacey said in amazement.
“I know right! My student told me and I’m thinking of telling child protective services.” Mrs. Lewis broke her promise to Linn.
You see, Mrs. Lewis wasn’t a very good person herself. She couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. You heard the sweet beginning of Linn’s story by a girl who has hope for everyone but herself. Yea. I’m not all about happy endings like her, and she can be like that, no judgment here but I show the whole truth. Not just the nice part. Ms. Lewis had told Stacey, one of her friends, about Linn and, kept none of her promise.
“You should. This isn’t just a little discipline.” Stacey said to Mrs. Lewis.
“I don’t know, Stacey she told me not to tell anyone.” Mrs. Lewis confessed.
“Then...” Stacey paused, thinking of what to say. “Never mind.”
Stacey knew that if she asked why she was told then Mrs. Lewis would start a whole problem. She decided to just tell CPS herself...
“Hello? This is Child Protective Services, is there a problem?” A woman had asked Stacey on the other line.
Stacey tried to speak, but for some reason, no sound came out.
“Hello? Is there a problem?” The woman said once more.
Stacey hung up. She couldn’t do it, but she knew she had to. She called again hoping for someone different to answer.
“Hello? This is Child Protective Services, Is there a problem?” A man had answered this time.
“Yes. A child is being abused by her father.” Stacey quivered in fear. This call made her think of when she was abused by her mother and told no one.
“Okay, ma’am. Where is the address? Do you have the child with you?” the man pronounced calmly
“I don’t know the address. I don’t have the child either.” She said almost in tears. “Can you give me a second? I can get the address.”
“Yes, get the address and call me back.” the man hung up.
Stacey looked at her phone, thinking of a way to get the address of the girl.
She thought, and thought, and thought, and thought. Then, she got it. ‘I can get it from Janes computer!’ She said to herself. She went to the school where Jane worked (Mrs. Lewis) and looked for her computer. When she found it, she noticed that there was no password. She went to the student files and found Linn Bray. Then found, 224 Sanely Road. She wrote the address down on a stray piece of paper she’d grabbed on her way out of her apartment. Stacey called CPS again.
“Hello? This is Child Prote-” The man didn’t get t finish.
“Yea I know. I’m Stacey, and I called earlier. I was told to call again when I got the address of the girl that’s being abused?” Stacey quickly spoke as she rushed out of the school.
“Yes. Let me get Mr. Roberts for you,” he said.
“Hello? I was told this is the girl from earlier?” Mr. Roberts asked.
“YES! I got the address!” she excitedly said.
“It’s 224 Sanely Road.” Stacey felt so happy that she was preventing this horrible man from hurting his daughter.
“Okay. We’ll be there right away.” Mr. Roberts said.
Sadly, when they got to the house Linn was gone. No one had seen her since her talk with Mrs. Lewis. Some people say that she ran away, and some say that she was killed and hidden. Some even say that her father told her to leave and never come back. No one knows what happened, but Linn was never found...
Love’s Release
When you asked me to write you a story, I wasn’t sure what you wanted. It took me a while, but it’s finally finished. Here it is, the story of my life.
August 20, 2018. I was just getting to school, and it was my first day. He and I didn’t know each other. I knew that this year was going to be different, but I didn’t think that I was going to meet the most amazing guy known to the seventh grade. He was taller than me, like most people, he had dark brown hair, he didn’t talk often, and he was smart. I have the decency to change his name, but everything else about him is true. His name can be Eric Arel. He wore basketball shorts almost every day and he sat with every popular guy at lunch. Eric was on team C and his locker was close to mine. I’m on team B so I didn’t have any classes with him but still, I “knew” him. We didn’t talk, we didn’t sit close, and he didn’t know I was alive. I think about what I'd said to him if he came up to me, but every time I do, I fail to finish a sentence. He was the best person in my life at the time, even though he wasn’t really a part of it. He was perfect. We were partnered up for a project, we became the best of friends, and I loved it. Eric would face time me every night so we could talk about our project. I thought that we were becoming something more, I was obviously wrong. Eric called me while I was at my dad's. I hadn’t answered, but I knew for some reason I should. I called him back.
“Hey,” a ball formed in the pit of my stomach
“Hey, what’s up?” I tried to sound like I was busy.
“Can I ask you something?” He now sounded fearful.
“Of course you can.” This was it. He was going to ask me out, and we were going to become the best-looking couple. Calm down. It’s time.
“Is your friend Lexi single?”
“Um. I think so.” I hung up. I haven’t spoken a word to him since. The saddest part of this story is that it’s completely true. My best friend is still dating him and neither one of them knows.
@SK_Shepherd I didn't know what to begin with so, hope this is good.
The Lost One
Cassy Cameel wasn’t very popular, but she had so many people who loved her. Why was she the one to leave? Why not a cat or a street rat or something? Cassy was so nice to everyone. She had blond hair that she would naturally get highlights before summer. She wasn’t tall but about average, and she was on the school track team. She had two best friends, Linn Bray and Haylee Jordan. Linn went missing after some problem with her dad, and Haylee went missing just before another one of Cassy's friend’s, his name was Blake Rider. He and Haylee had just started to become friends when it all happened. Most people say Cassy was afraid of having the same thing happen to her and just left, but they don’t know the real story.
It was a nice Spring morning in Texarkana, and Cassy had just woken up. Her hair was messy, and her shirt was on backwards, but she was still marvelous to look at. She was on her way to the kitchen to get some breakfast when all this sudden, her phone started to make a sound it had never made before. Cassy gripped the phone in fear of what she saw. Haylee and Linn were trying to face time her! She didn’t answer it at first, but they kept calling her. The sound would get louder every time she hit decline, but finally Cassy couldn’t take it anymore, so she answered. Her screen went black and all she could hear were loud screams and scratching. She tried to say something but was to afraid. Her phone shut off.
Cassy was so scared to pick up her phone that she left it there, on the coffee table, staring at it every moment that she was home. She had come right from school on the Thursday of her first date since Blake went missing. Cassy didn’t go find a dress, she didn’t put on makeup, she didn’t even tell him that she was staying home. Now Blake and Cassy weren’t dating, but she was petrified to be such good friends with someone and them leave her for the wolves. Instead, she just sat on her leather worn couch in the same spot she always did. She had been sitting there all night and it was about two in the morning. Her phone started to make that noise again. Not Haylee nor Linn, this time it was Blake. She answered.
“Hello?” She shook.
“Cassy! Thank god you’re okay.” He looked worried, and he looked just like his normal self all at the same time. “You need to get out of that house. Now!”
“Why? What’s wrong? How are you calling me?” Cassy was so confused that she didn’t even care why she had to leave.
“Please. I’ll explain on the way,” he said.
Blake told Cassy about what happened to both Linn and Haylee, and that he knew what was going to happen to Cassy if she didn’t leave. Cassy couldn’t believe that at least Linn was okay. Blake told Cassy that Haylee didn’t write the note in her locker, and that he went to go find her. He was almost in tears when he told her the rest.
“Cassy, Haylee didn’t drown. She wasn’t taken either.” He had a single tear in his eye. “She was alive when I saw her.” He couldn’t bring himself to tell her over the phone. “Come meet me at Small Rock Park, I'll finish there.” He hung up.
She was almost to the park when she tripped over a twig on the ground. She caught herself and walked up to a bench under what people call the ‘Flag Tree’. She texted Blake to see where he was, and he didn’t answer for about ten to fifteen minutes, so she called him. He answered, but it wasn’t him she heard. The person’s voice was deep and scratchy. She couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl, so she kept listening to it.
It said: “Blake is with me. Come to the old town bank on the West side. If you get here in time, maybe you can save him. Or maybe you’ll be next.”
Cassy dropped her phone. This is what Blake wanted to hide me from she thought. Her mind was racing, and she couldn’t breathe. She passed out, right there, without Blake, by herself. She was awake but couldn’t move. Her body was paralyzed, and she was in a bright room. Cassy moved her eyes around to see where she was. The bank! Cassy saw the old safe near the desks. She saw the broken red chairs that had been demolished by termites in the past years. Blake was there too; he was staring at her from a far. He folded his arms and slowly walked over. He looked at her, said he was sorry and that he was going to see her soon and faded away as Cassy’s eyes closed along with the faint sound of crying beside her. She was gone. Lifeless. Dead. Blake looked her small body. He kept saying
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Blood was dripping from Cassy’s left side near her heart. Blake walked, away knife in hand and Linn tied to the table beside of Cassy.