My little brother almost died.
He rode a quad
Wasn't watching
Flipped and rolled
Almost died
But a miracle happened,
He flipped and rolled
And landed clean
Not a scratch
Just very green
But doesn't matter
That he almost died
All that matters
That he's my brother
Living safe and sound
With me and mother
So to this day
He never rides
Unless he's got me
Then he's not so
I am going to be a little more gentle here
Grammar/English has never been my strongest academic area. I am more science/math. There are words to this day I still have to look up to make sure I am using them properly. Thank goodness for built in dictionaries know! After looking them up a million times I do remember some of them know but I still find myself looking up various ones. So if I am not grammatically correct (which I can guarantee) or if I use the wrong form of a word - sorry - but I love to write and I don't have an editor to fix it.