Spirited Away.
i am searching
for a way out
of this place
filled with~
spirits from all
around the globe!
can someone please
help me find a way
to leave this bathhouse
where I just have to
do my best & not
make the owner mad~
i can see how things
here are not like home
most of the beings
have animal-like
features, and strengths
its exciting ‘n’ scary to see-
Now I have to focus
maybe I’ll find a way
to save myself and
get out of this odd
magical spot that I believe
is hidden from the world
Papa and Mama really
should be more careful
why did they fall for the
trap set by the crazy boss
she seems quite ancient
still, she can be deafeated.
always with me-
Interesting Answers to Interesting Questions
On another social media site, one of those where someone asks a question, and another answers it, you have some interesting answers to interesting questions.
What is the most intimate you have gotten with a total stranger?
Most of them are the usual, one night stands and such. But one in particular stood out to me (some details have been fictionalized because I don’t remember them. Also, dramatized for storytelling purposes. So this is based on a true story):
I was riding the bus, heading downtown, when a girl sits down behind me. She has dark brown hair, insane curves, and pale skin like that of freshly fallen snow. She sits down next to a man and starts talking to him. Through the conversation, it is revealed that he is her boyfriend. Then, the boyfriend falls asleep. After I hear his light snores, I feel a pinch on my backside. First lightly, then bigger. A stirring happens in my crotch, an awakening. I realize it is the woman behind me. Her hand crawls it’s way between my legs as if it is a separate entity from her. The stirring grows larger. I look down at her hand. It is small and thin. Her nails are painted with the precision of a factory worker. Bright gold and pink. Her hands are just as pale as her face. I hear a low hiss come from her, like a repressed moan. Then, she grabs my thigh.
“Come back to the bathroom with me,” I hear a whisper say. I follow her back to the single bathroom on the bus. It was too small to comfortably fit both of us, but in the current circumstances, it wasn’t so bad. I was a full foot taller than her and her immaculate features were pressed into my chest. She maneuvered her hands under my shirt and traced them along my spine. The stirring grows so strong it’s almost unbearable. I twist one of my hands to undo the straps on her bra. Her breasts explode outward like fireworks.
As her short shorts slide down, I am reminded of the term “a well oiled machine.” Her body resembles that of a perfectly molded porcelain doll, with movable parts. Tears of pleasure well up between her thighs. The stirring is now so painful that it feels as though I have a knife between my thighs. My pants open up, and we press together. After that, my thoughts are so scrambled that I can only summon one thought:
My wife. Her boyfriend.
But it didn’t make me want to stop. Our hips ground together, and her clothes were a mess of semen, blood, and toilet water. But I could not stop. I was no longer in control of my body. Then came the pullout, like the release of a nuke dropped onto a city. She wriggled back into her clothes and I back into mine. She left the bathroom first and went back to her seat. I waited another three minutes so that it would be suspicious. And then I returned to mine.
I never saw her again.
I am in pain most of the time. My pain is physical, yes, but an emotional layer lay dusty, deep beneath the surface. I laugh around other people and I make jokes, say I'm over things, but I can tell you right now, it's all bull.
No, I am not depressed. I am insecure and mad at myself almost constantly. I feel stupid and I feel pathetic and I feel angry for feeling the way I do and I wish that I could change it all and just feel anything other than those three things for one effing minute of my day. So I do yoga and attempt to meditate sometimes, and it works, for a while, but then as I rub my buddhist necklace above the comforter in a room I filled with expensive furniture as if it was a message to my soul, the emotions drip right back in like a dirty, broken, and forgotten faucet.
Why you ask? I literally broke up with a guy I was in love with five years ago, and cannot forget him or let go of him. I am being serious. I was 13 years old and I broke my 17 year old boyfriend's heart for literally no reason at all. I was happy, in love with him, and he gave me constant butterflies. I can't even recall why I got scared and called it off. He did try at one point to touch me, which I told him no and he apologized and that was that, but I wasn't scared about that, more afraid he would think I was ugly or something.
I know what you're thinking. He wanted me for sex, I didn't even know what love was, in fact, we were plain too young to be in love, but I am telling you right now, when my chest physically hurts when I think about him five years later? I had to be in love with him.
He came into my life like a beautiful tsunami and left like the aftermath. On a side note, maybe that is why I am afraid of drowning. Anyways pretty much I just feel stupid because I still think about him a lot and constantly look at his Insta going back to the picture he posted the day after I broke up with him and thinking jesus what is actually wrong with me? I ruined my chance at really what could have been my forever. I actually brought up the courage to talk to him a year or so later, apologizing, thinking it would give me some sort of closure, but he told me he thought he was pressuring me into a serious relationship I wasn't ready for. All I wanted to tell him was that I wanted it back and I was ready, but I closed up and said yea.
I am so sad at myself, I have ruined every other relationship I have had since. All for the same reason: I CAN'T STOP LOVING HIM.
The Mounting
I'm standing so close to your chair that my hip is brushing up against your thigh and I feel a static charge as I inch closer so that we actually touch. I reach for your arm feeling your muscling biceps with my soft finger tips. I sense an arousal as you tense up and your muscles flex to my touch. You say nothing....just encourage me with your sexy smile.
Impulsively, my hand moves to explore your hard chest. Coyly, I quickly try to surprise you by turning your half buttoned shirt into my imaginary restraint, pulling it down around those beautifully sculptured arms of yours.
I can't resist your nipples that are now hardening as I gently tease them with my warm, wet tongue. They stiffen more as my pressure increses while I'm nibbling on them.
I am struggling to stayin control of my desires...
My hands...venturing over your broad shoulders, down & over your chest again, and even further down reaching your abs & then thinking it's too soon, I stop and I notice how incredibly sexy you are sitting there.
But the need just to touch you, is much too overwhelming and I casualy run my hand over your stiffened shaft. I feel as if you heard the breath that caught in my throat when I paused a moment, because you say "Please, dont stop, touch me!"
So I put both hands on you now, your hot flesh sliding thru my slender hands. I wrap them around your length and your breathing quickens... I can feel your moisture seeping in my hands. I can't help but wonder what you're thinking as I pump you even harder.
My own thoughts....shift towards mounting you.
My body aches with desire to feel you ram your pretty flesh deep inside me, to feel your hardness pushing in me. Then I feel your hand cup my rounded breast through my dress, & as you reach underneath it, I shut my eyes, to further engulf the tantalizing sensation of my nipples that are now erect also. I feel the fullness of your shaft swell between my palms, and my attention focuses back to squeezing you firmly btween both of my hands. My lips are begging me to kiss you as your face brushes past mine, so I moisten my lips and yours with my extended tongue.Your tongue instinctively dances with mine, tracing the outline of my lips and then biting down on the lower one. I flinch as you pull hard enough for me to feel my own weakness. The power of the emotions radiating from your desires instills my obedience, I want nothing more than to pleasure you in ways that you will never forget.
You reach out for me and in one movement pull me in with your strong arms bringing me in so close that the head of your ripe swollen member is rammed up against me. So I hike up my dress to feel the hotness of your skin against mine. You all but release your hold on me and lean back. Gaining control of my head with a handful of hair, I give in to the strength in your one arm that now is guiding me lower & I instantly swallow you, forcing you deep down into the back of my throat, I feel your pleasure pressing against the soft fleshy membrane there..You shift in your chair arching your back towards me and the sky. You put both hands in my hair and methodically grinding your pelvis into my mouth.
Running my warm tongue down to the base of your rock hard shaft; I am pleased as I hear the gratitude in your moans and I suck one of your balls inside my warm mouth, then lick the both of them firmly with my wet tongue.
Now, I am going to straddle you in your chair.
I press closer to you, feeling your hot flesh against mine. You are soooo ready for me.
You say convincingly "F*** me...NOW!
I gladly submit and quickly climb up on top of you resting my weight on your legs, my hands still on that which is now raging between us. I can feel the tension burning inside you. It's the same for me as I throb, yearning for you also.
I feel that that you are at the brink, & I move to mount you but turn myself around first. Then lowering myself slowly on top of you until I can no longer hold back.I want you well up inside me. I'm so wet. I plunge down HARD. You grab my small hips in your hands and firmly take control of our rythym leading us in our dance with destiny. Moments pass, and I can feel you swelling inside me as the walls inside me become even more sensitive with each contraction that I make. I grip, then release...milking you with the muscles inside me & as you explode inside me and our bodies writh with pleasure I grip firmly with all I have again and release, and quickly..I am cumming with you.
Bursting like a ball of fire.
My head...collapsing over and onto your shoulders.
I feel my mouth open....and I bite down on your neck & it causes you to moan again for me as you throw your head back in ectasy.
Our Beast
Sleep-strained, sugar cube eyes brown like barley. Little girls run off to their mommies. "Run away, run away, run." Pounding feet calls to mortal fear. Fear to hate. Hate poured puckered fingers back in molten lava and struck us like a brand.
Perchanse this existance is the persistance of a motly craven waft that dances of an ulgy sort. Kind that hits the snot slurped, buried farce of flappy candies rotting in the wind. Immaturity breeds foul contempt of the court. Agression calls to mortal fear. Fear to hate. Hate burned the present held hands of gods sheep blood red.
And though we breed, we sink our teeth in a fleshy sack of fat, we mesh the world in our mortar crushing with our pestle, we hate. So trashy, gumpy piceses piled up on simple cares and sticking together like caramel stacked like skyscrapers high. You can't dig yourself out of the laquer filled dancing beast that takes us captive.
Because running away would never be scientifically possible.
The Stormy Island
Waves shattered against the diminutive island, shaking the towering palm tree and flinging sand through the air. Screened by the torrential downfall a I cowered against the tree, wearing a wet yellow raincoat. "I just want the sun," I wept," and perhaps a bigger island too." As quickly as the words escaped my lips the blinding brilliance of the sun burst through the clouds, and dismissed the waves. I clambered up and witnessed his pitiful island expand into an astonishing oasis. Suddenly as quickly as it began, everything dwas stripped away into darkness as my eyes gradually lifted open.
A Darkness Within
A darkness within - murky, deep,
All consuming, a puddle of sludge
Festering in the soul
Slowly, it expands, filling
Every pore, all the nooks and crannies
Flesh tainted from the sin inside,
Marked with insanity, broiling
In the mind
Everything a mess,
Disintegrating into nothing
A darkness within - conquering all
Hitting my legs, grabbing my wrists, and calling me names is abuse. I thought I was worthless, I started cutting myself and emotionally abusing myself. To the point where I broke a hole in my screen, and climbed on top off the roof. I wanted to jump off, but I couldn't, So after my parents/grandparents found out I knew something was gonna happen. I was soon pinned to the floor by my grandpa and got yelled at. My grandma grabbed my wrists, and I proclaimed. “It hurts STOP” but she didn't she told me she knew it didn't hurt.
Caught With His Pants Down
He had highlighted hair which was spiked to make it look randomly placed but you could tell he allocated time every morning in front of the mirror to arrange each hair. He smiled and made eye contact periodically almost like he was delivering a prepared speech instead of trying to make an impression on a young girl.
Since she didn’t seem to have an appropriate appreciation for his importance, he kindly provided a beautiful Horatio Algier story about his rise to the top of his company from mail room to executive office suite.
Sally was thinking she may have made an error in judgment when she suggested to her husband that they separate and socialize separately at the party. She felt her skirt riding up a little. Since she was seated in a high straight backed bar stool chair and Jack was in a lower recliner he had a good angle to appreciate her attributes. Yes, his name was Jack and no she didn’t know Jack and he was kind enough to provide her with information about him for which she never would have dreamed to ask.
“Excuse me,” she said softly.
She slid off her bar stool and walked away as quickly as she could without giving the appearance of a person running away from a fire.
As she exited the house, Sally felt the refreshing night air and decided it would be pleasant to stare up at the stars and meditate. All of a sudden, Jack appeared next to her again and resumed his autobiographical narration right where he had left off.
A terribly evil idea occurred to Sally. Long before she could weigh the consequences of her actions, she set her idea in motion.
Sally made an exaggerated movement of her head and shoulders, hunching forward and seeming to examine Jack’s shoes. Slowly, she lifted her gaze, stopping about midway up his body.
“So, how big are you?”
“What do you mean, how big?” Jack stepped back, trying not to display his shock at the question. He wasn’t sure of the degree of impertinence of the question.
“I mean have you measured it? Is it small, medium or large?”
“Um, I don’t know. I guess medium.”
“Medium is ok.”
Sally turned and walked down the steps to the porch, out into the darkness and behind a large tree.
Jack, of course, followed.
“Put your jacket on the ground. I don’t want to get my knees dirty.”
“OH, God! I can’t believe this is happening”
“Oh, it’s happening alright. Get out your phone and text your friend inside the party. Tell him if he wants to have some fun to come out to the other side of the tree.”
Sally slowly rubbed him and watched while his shaking fingers sent the text. She unbuttoned his shirt, then kissed him on the neck, chest and then on the stomach while she firmly planted her knees on his jacket and ground it into the dirt. She undid his belt buckle and pulled down his pants.
“Whoops, dropped my phone she sighed and disappeared behind him. She continued to walk quickly out to the street, started her car and was gone.
Before Jack knew what was happening his friend Amos was shining his cell phone light on him, standing with his pants down in the dark.
“Oh, God, I never knew… I mean I never would have suspected, my dear Jack” Amos said as he approached.
The club!
It was toward the end of our marriage, perhaps a month maybe two left at the most! Of course I didn’t know this at the time, but it didn’t hinder our good time that night.
I don’t know how we came upon the decision, but to a man in his twenties it seemed like a fantastic idea. It could have been we were just worse off then we imagined or maybe she was feeling guilty for having been cheating on me. I didn’t find that out until after our last crazy night out at a Philadelphia strip club.
The strip club is located a short drive from the sports venue stadiums. I had been there in the past with some friends and such, and it’s generally a good time. It’s a full nude sports bar. It’s not the best one In town but probably one level lower than a hustler club. It was mid summer and me and my wife had decided to go to this club, she wasn’t ever a fan of me going but she seemed warm to the idea this time.
It felt like we arrived in the ghetto even though it’s actually not a bad part of town, however in a country boy at heart so everywhere but home seems that to me. We stepped out of the car around 930 pm ready to have some fun, how much fun was unforeseen at this moment.
As we entered we were greeted by the bouncers taking the cover charge fee at the door. As we got into the club my wife’s jaw dropped. Like it went from normal expression with a hint of smile, to what the fuck are we doing here wide open. I realized I was more concerned with my wife’s reaction as any good husband would be more so then the environment. She was looking straight ahead at a stripper standing with her legs spread bent over at the waist, ass in the air stretching her arms out to hold the stripper pole with her butthole and vagina staring right back at my wife. It was amazing! I loved every second of her reaction.
We took a seat near the end of the stage to give us both a few minutes to take it all in and relax from the drive. I ordered a corona to start my night and she ordered some concoction of a shot that came in a test tube shaped glass. It seemed as if this night was going to be legendary!
It wasn’t long maybe 20 minutes had passed she had consumed two shots of this green liquid out of a test tube. “I know she’s a light weight” I thought to myself as I watched her sway a little to much already. “I know those drinks can’t be that strong.” Or I could be wrong who knows. I stood up and walked behind her so I could still be close but be prepared to catch her if she went down off the stool. Some recaps from the Phillies game was playing on several televisions, Some golf highlights on others. We continued to sip drinks and converse about the woman, football, and other trivial things. Tonight was going on without a hitch. ! Now I’m not sure if you know this or not but when you take a female to a strip club with you, you receive all the attention. From customers, baristas, and even the strippers.. ALL OF IT!
She had done her makeup and looked amazing! She was wearing a skin tight skirt that barely covered her ass cheeks and continually needed to be adjusted! As one patron came up to me and pointed out by saying “Is this your wife?” “Yes!”I responded proudly. “Lucky you!” He said reassuringly. He was right I did feel lucky even though I became curious as to why he had to come tell me that. At that moment I looked down and realized her skirt was all but all the way up completely exposing as much as any stripper in here. The patron smiled knowingly at me as I rolled my eyes and helped her to her feet to fix the skirt. She stumbled as she stood! Confused as to why she’s so drunk only after a few drinks I asked “are you ok? Did you take something?” I expected the “no” answer I received, but I also know she took Xanax sometimes for her anxiety so I wasn’t sure. Since she was standing she was very adamant about conversing with an actual stripper.
We found one that was very appealing to both me and my wife. We kept occupied for another minute watching the stage waiting for this stripper to finish with the patron she was flirting with and casually walked up and introduced ourselves to her. She said “heyyy I’m Tory!” And asked if “we had been enjoying ourselves.”We responded in unison in the affirmative and the conversation carried on. Tory told us how she was an aspiring playboy bunny, which was hard for me to believe but could be plausible. She was hot I just don’t know about playboy bunny hot. Tory explained lap dances to my wife in great detail and was interested in giving her one. My wife consented and as I stood out there watching this incredible event transpire I realized it was going to be an anything goes kind of Night!
Twenty dollars and twenty minutes of ass grinding and shaking later they came out of the hallway where the dances take place discussing the possibility of a private room. It could have been all the excitement, it could have had some darker meaning, it could have just been me being young and horny and consumed by some alcohol, but I consented and figured out what this back room was all about. From what I gathered it’s a private room other than the fact that a bouncer will be outside in a lobby like area watching the room on a security camera. Apparently for the low sum of 250 dollars you can get an hour in a private room with the stripper if you choice! Of course Tory was it, and you get you’re own private showing. Sounds great except for the fact there’s no touching the stripper and you’re being watched. Regardless we walked up to the bouncer who watches the “private” rooms and he explained the rules once more, only adding that me and my wife “can do whatever we want to each other but can’t touch the stripper” for good measure he said “here’s the condoms if you’d like to buy one.” Now this made it way better, we had a good sex life so it wasn’t an issue but any added stimulation was a plus in my book. I’d get to have sex with my wife while watching a stripper dance. Sounds good to me! We walked in the room, as Tory undressed I noticed her and I also noticed the 3 cameras that would be watching us. The nervousness didn’t last long. My wife pulled at her skirt from the bottom exposing her bottom and from the top exposing her breasts as she laid down on the huge sofa! I guess this was the cue to begin because Tory started to dance and it didn’t take but seconds to start getting my money’s worth. She stated that now we’re back there we could indeed touch just not to the point of penetration! She grabbed my hand and placed it right on her chest, I looked at my wife and she smiled and grabbed my cock and told me to put it inside her. I did as I was told and it just added to the ecstasy of the moment. It felt amazing. My wife seemed to be enjoying it maybe a little too much because she reached out and pulled Tory a little closer by grabbing her ass. As she got closer to my wife’s face her left leg extended and went right over top of my wife’s face landing in a way that she had landed with her pussy straddling my wife’s face. I couldn’t take it anymore, this is insane it was so hot! I decided it was time to take it to the next level and pulled out of my wife’s vagina and slipped my cock right into her asshole. We have done it before plenty of times so it wasn’t unusual, this just made her go harder and harder at licking Tory’s pussy! This caused Tory to get more worked up and she leaned in to kiss me. We interlocked tongues like it was our destiny. So now me standing up fucking my wife in the ass as she lay there. While she ate pussy for what I thought was the first Time of the woman who was grabbing the back of my head kissing me. My wife screamed in ecstasy “fuck my ass” to which I replied “I already am” it kind of made me feel inadequate at the moment, but I had better things to worry about. I came so hard and so fast I damn near collapsed when I finished.
Tory gave us her number, I guess she felt we were a lot of fun. She said “get up with me we can meet at my house soon where anything can go”. It seems she’d be making more money that way which i would imagine is prostitution, but I didn’t care. I happily took that number and got dressed and we left!
On the way home my wife’s attitude flipped. She kept telling me to “pull over” she wanted to get out and she “wanted a divorce.” What the fuck to me right? Well I didn’t pull over and we didn’t get a divorce right away. The next morning she was clueless as to what happened the previous night. I had to explain every thing from our perverse night and I could see she enjoyed some and cringes at other things. Overall she was disappointed she couldn’t remember. A couple of months later I found out she had been cheating on me which probably explained most of her actions from that night.
True story!