And because every man is made of crystal;
And every woman is made of steel
Where you try to find white
But you end up submerged in black
Where you try to encounter roses
But end up finding only weeds
Where you try to drink from a pond of fresh water
But you taste all its saltiness
When you expect to open your eyes to a clear sky
But its only ashy Heaven
Where you expect to find harmony
But everything is harmonious chaos
Where you expect to find life
But it's only a barren land
Where you expect the sun to warm you up
But all you can feel is demonic frostbite
Expect this:
I'll be there
I'll be smallest butterfly
Flying in the middle of the storm
I'll be the weakest keystone of the Everest
I'll be the breeze that feeds your lungs
You'll be my life and I'll be yours
I'll be every possible cliche, just for you
However, I will always be the man that truly loves you...
DA 2015
y☼u are my world ☾
you give
you give
me light
me light
and brighten
when all
my days
is dark
you kiss
in ashes
my skin
and cinders
with your
you are
golden rays
my spark
you hide
you keep
my shadows
my ghouls
and make my
and demons
fears small
out of mind
you shine on
you give
my sorrows
me hope
and help my
when there
love grow tall
is none
and when the
to find
cobwebs build
and when dusk
up in my
empty soul
on my
you pour
waning soul
you shoot
out and make
your stars
me full
and let your
you leak
milky beams cull
beauty into
you stop
my morning
my floods
before it's
you dry
my monsoons
you are
you are
my daydream
my fantasy
you are
you are
my sun
my moon
Just sorry and goodbye.
I would've stayed, but I'm too emotional and weak I'm getting depressed. Just know deep in my heart, you made a HUGE impact on my life. I was EXTREMELY happy for the past 2 months. And I couldn't be more greatful for that. ALL your posts means MORE to me than a like button. And I easily get troubled and easily affected with ALL your posts.
Prose is FOR writers. Not wannabes.
So goodbye and happy writing.
And know deep in heart and I'm not being dramatic, I love every single one of you. For reals.
Fictitious Me
What I'd LIKE to think of myself as is a
confident woman who has the ability to speak up
her mind and show
her true self.
A woman
of substance.
A woman
whose strong yet so loving.
A woman
whose words gratify others
A woman
whose smile never falters
A woman
with a straight mind (haha I had to add that because I'm cray cray)
But unfortunately,
I'm none of those..
And I can only live
like her in my
fictional world.
serenity pt. 2
"they just don't understand,"
she told me,
debunking my issues
with a slip of her lips
as we drank bullshit
through plastic cups
of lemonade.
we couldn't trade numbers
or email,
but we could barter our stories,
so i sold her my suicide note
for a smile.
in return,
she let me peek into the life
of a sixteen-year old girl
who smoked weed once
and thought it was the best feeling in the world.
i learned
curiosity didn't kill her,
but she almost killed herself.
she was ashamed of her scars
but she wore t-shirts,
because recovery is wearing your broken heart on your sleeve
and hoping everyone has stitches.
we were all the needles,
but i would've ripped myself apart again
if it meant she'd be saved.
it takes courage
to collapse
and she was too goddamn brave.