*Guttural Primate Sound*
None of these darkened pixels on your computer screen mean anything.
The scribbles of ink in your notebook have no more inherent sound to them than the blank spaces in between them.
The inflections of your lips and tongue create nothing but meaningless noise.
But these pixels, and these scribbles, and these inflections mean worlds to us.
They make us love, and they make us go to war.
They describe themselves, and make us think in ways we could only explain by ways of using them--
But in reality,
Words are nothing but a myth of the collective mind.
how do you release yourself when
the incarceration of the one who once imprisoned your love,
and strangled your sexuality,
is the definition of your freedom?
how do you release yourself when
the keys are dangling from the belt-buckle
of the one who once trespassed your garden
and trampled your wildflowers?
how do you release yourself when
your heartstrings are double knotted,
wrapped around your wrists,
and your vocal chords?
how do you release yourself when
your heart takes her hands,
rattles the bars of your rib cage,
and with a whisper, cries out?
when i was a child,
i would run down the back steps
from my parents,
trying to dress me.
and i remember how free i was-
running, my bare feet on green summer grass,
bare body under
bare summer sun
until they chased after me and
dressed me in a purple, lace rimmed dress.
i scratched and squirmed and ripped it off once more.
i ran down those back steps.
and i did it again;
i have ran
down those back steps,
many times.
now, when i rest,
and fall to the feet of the night,
my own two feet run down my back steps once more
and i strip myself of
and skin.
bare body under
bare summer moon.
but when i rise,
i am covered
once more.
Love Is Blind, So Is She.
This woman whose eyes are
blinded by the thought that
once one man falls away from her,
no one else in the world
will look for the same person.
Love is blind I can tell,
especially for her
when everytime she cries
is because of that one man
who had no plans in giving her
the respect she really needed
the confirmation that he loved her
the affection that everyone else could bring,
but she fell into a trap either way
his hands shaking in pleasure as he used
her blindness and arrogance
to paint the picture of power
True Heathens
Now tell me the difference between
prostrate in prayer
succumb to submission.
Organized religion.
I was told that coming together could save lives,
but to be selective?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
held over me are your convoluted ideas of what God accepts.
I wonder how this deity,
who you dedicate your life to worshipping in this world,
created by hid hand,
would feel about you preaching false pastorals?
Switching substantiality with sermons,
not spoken by the mouth of your God.
Bibles and bazookas,
declaring every word of these human gospels as weapons to cleanse
my homosexual ways.
Untitled authors have written their experiences down and twisted it so it could upraise their lack of understanding.
Morals are what any God preaches.
The details are decided by
this free-will,
which is still fretted over and fucked with by
hands of hatred.
Hands of man.