Greetings fellow writer people
I noticed that there weren't many newbies on this thread, so I didn't bother myself. Buuuttt then figured that maybe everyone else is thinking the same thing, so stop being a loser and go say hi to these nice people. So, I am an 'amateur' writer (is that a thing?), from England (don't hold it against me). I have been writing all my life (the pen holding years anywho) and entering competitions for about a year now - in between having babies and homeschooling (fun btw you should try it).
I am also just discovering that it is still possible to be socially awkward whilst typing so I will see myself out.
Daphne_H \m/
Home is where you belong.
But what if you don’t belong anywhere?
* * * * * *
You imagine that you are a warrior.
The last line of defence against a demon hoard.
The survival of the world rests on your shoulders.
So you must fight the demons and win.
Day-in, day-out.
You bleed, you tire.
You are exhausted, you barely have the strength to lift your sword.
But you must fight.
You can’t let the demons win.
So you fight a war with no hope of winning.
No hope of end.
You are at war forever, a soldier eternal.
Sometimes play-acting can help.
After all, warrior sounds better than mental patient.
* * * * * *
Some days are bad.
Others are worse.
You count in your head.
The number of people who will actually give a shit at your funeral.
On better days, the count can be six or seven.
On the worst days the count is just one.
But you know that you have to still fight on. You must. For that count of one.
So you soldier on.
The warrior fights the demons alone, day after day.
But he prays each day, to a god that he barely believes in.
For an angel who can drive the demons away.
But those prayers go unanswered.
And the warrior loses hope.
* * * * * *
One day, the battle is more vicious than it has ever been before.
The exhaustion of the fighting leaves the warrior numb, wounded beyond repair.
He knows that he is at the end of the line.
That it’s the end.
At that very moment the sky opens up and a beam of light shines through.
God has answered his prayers.
With an angel, whose brilliance and light drives the demons away, back to the dark pits where they belong.
The warrior is saved.
* * * * * *
Finally, the warrior is home.
With the help of the angel, the warrior recovers.
His wounds are healed.
He is almost whole.
And he knows now that with an angel by his side, his demons are no longer as powerful as they were.
He hopes, he believes.
He is a fool.
* * * * * *
Demons are cunning.
They are not so easily defeated.
They are patient, they persevere.
They chip away slowly as much as they can at the warrior while avoiding the angel’s halo.
And the warrior does the rest for them.
In his frustration at not being whole, the warrior forgets how broken he used to be.
He lashes out at his only protection.
His angel.
The angel, wounded and hurt by the warrior’s uncalled for cruelty, retreats back to heaven.
And warrior is left on his own, to fight his demons once more alone.
* * * * * *
The warrior despairs.
Now he understands the true depth of darkness – the complete and total power of the demons.
He understands that he doesn’t deserve angels or their light.
That he is too broken even for angels to heal.
That demons are what he deserves.
That the eternal battle is his destiny.
The demon hoard comes rushing at him.
He drops his swords and surrenders.
* * * * * *
The demons over power the warrior.
The demons take over.
The warrior starts smiling, laughing.
The irony of it is just too much for him.
His entire life, he searched and craved for understanding, to belong, for a home.
He feels it – the anxiety, the fear, the self-loathing and misery – filling his mind, taking over his entire being.
Home is where you belong.
He is with his demons.
He is finally home.
#shortstory #dark
no love
maybe i loved you once
in a memory i had forgotten
but like water
it has rushed away from me
and left me cold
i forgot to fill the vase of flowers
and kiss you at sunset
i can’t tell if i still call for you
the way i used to
and i can’t tell if i want to
please find another woman
who will melt with you
the way i never could
I'm no longer willing to argue
I'm no longer willing to cry
I'm no longer willing to forgive the times
you left with no goodbye.
I'm no longer willing to pretend things are perfect
I'm no longer willing to ignore all the signs
I'm no longer willing to accept that "us",
means leaving myself behind.
I'm no longer willing to give chances
I'm no longer willing to hold my breath
I'm no longer willing to love you...
to keep loving you to death.
They say that danger is attractive
yet anger is bad
what should i do
if maddness
is all of what i'll ever have
i'd like to blame you
but i know it's only half true
since even though you're crazy
i chose to stay with you
what should i do
what should i choose
whatever choice i'll just loose
i'd wish to stay with you
but i doubt that i'll survive
yet i feel so lonely
when you're not by my side
do i like hits
or wish for poison
your toxic love got me
i can't seem to run
it's a prison and
don't wanna move on
you're like my religion
am i insane
i enjoy pain
or you manipulated me
too much to ever be sane
i do wish to run and hide
with you no longer by my side
but i feel so empty
as if you were a part of me
M ade me think I needed you
A ttacked the walls I built in my mind
N ever enough for you
I gnoring me when I deserved to be heard
P ain I could not explain
U ndermined my mental health with guilt trip
L oved you, though you’d hurt me
A ccepted that I must have done something wrong
T elling me all the reasons I don’t deserve you
E ven my mind came to believe it was my fault you didn’t love me
D idn’t see that love shouldn’t come with conditions like those.