You (I realize)
Circa 2008
You (I Realize)
A break in the clouds, for the suns piercing glory
a flutter of eyes to take in the morning
but the vision is unclear, and the objects are muddled
and you lie face down in the tears that you puddled...
the world might be a pretty place
with someone in it to adore your face
but a broken heart and a past that still haunts
are just a mere stab and laugh that life taunts
to clear the idea that i'm trying to express
imagine yourself on the verge of happiness
only to find, that where you're at and what you want
were two different things, all along.
You, I realize
through closed eyes, are
my morning star, the sun that
keeps me warm and combat
my darkness my past and
a holding hand.
Though the liquid i induce blurs my vision
and the smoke clearly expands my mind
your smile makes a precise incision
and the way i feel for you i can't hide.
No matter how far down i go in this life
my thoughts of you get me by.
Even though your smile is shared in something else
that in comparison makes me look just pale
You, I realize,
are the yearning and the mourning
the shouts and the cries,
the burning and the forming
of my empty nights.
yes, you, I realize,
are far to gone for me to apologize
there is no time
the sun has set, the clouds have met
and i'm lit on the face by a pale
lonely moon.
It should be sin to wake up,
without you.
But call me Hell Bound because
every day i do
I almost fall to pieces when i stare to no avail
your neither here nor there
and my words do more than..fail.
You, I realize,
I never really knew,
only what i could see and take in
never the depth beyond the skin
i'm..a fool
for thinking that things were easy
my life has been misleading
in the hopes of ever loving another
so i've loved myself to death
and have become too great a blunder
you, i realize, said i would be this.
so passionately take out the knife from my back,
turn me around straight through my chest right on track,
look me in the eyes, repeat the lie," i love you,"
only to leave me lie, to do a few
addictive contradictions like you do.
The Fall-Off.
I had managed to fall into yet another battle, both weary and starved with the legion standing against me, alone. Their numbers terrifying as they stood 20 to 1. This was different, for I needed them for my life. I spoke ,"No matter what comes of this, I will love ye, and thank ye dearly for your service." I then began my conquest. My enemy stood no match. I devoured them entirely and my stomach screamed in pain : McNuggets consumed in their entirety aren't for the weak.
The Owner of My Body
I try to open my eyes
But it was drooping
It was not listening to my heart
Which was telling it to open
My mind wants to sleep
My heart wants to keep awake
I feel like drowning
Someone grabbing my feet
To pull me down
Someone grabbing my hands
To keep me afloat
I'm halfway between
Not awake
Not asleep
I want the person down
To keep pulling me down
And drag me into the abyss
I also want the person up
To keep pulling me up
And drag me into the light
I lie there undecided
Wishing one of them to
Make up their mind
And let me go
So that they can let me
The owner of my body
To make a decision
If I should
Stay afloat
Or drown
A Tax Paid
Some tranquil outside force
Has rubbed its aura onto
The famous bust of Alexander
When man embark'd upon
Long never ending journeys
In search of devilish escapades
This time the posse arrived
With a true legit treasure
Accompanying lava rats
Attempt to feast but their
Timing is ill-paced
Don't bother with the wee mortals
The statue strides toward the fountain
Steps thru the pool of harmony
Travels in and out of worlds
Combining as one small particle
Destined to provide maximum power
To all those who pass the Golden Doors
Transcending into an existence of light
Hark! What have the Angels found?
Muttering priests too scared to weigh in
Books fill the air
Giving hope and need to the wanderers
The sick become well with vigor
Just from a minor stroke of a hand
Fortunes sustain'd as his glory
Persuades actions of hierarchy
The councils weighs in
And declare this a false prophet
Our great messenger condemn'd By the very men he talk'd with
For whom were they taught?
The patron couldn't afford the bill
Just had enough for the meal
Yet couldn't cover the tax
The owner came out from back, swearing
Demanding the extra "or else"
The stranger offered the food back
Although it had already been eaten
Evidently that wasn't good enough
Because the next morning we all saw
Him swing from a tree, his tax paid
Drawing circles and spirals on air
Sighing instead of breathing
Side cheeks wet
Yet you never give notice
Mentally torturing yourself
As you think harder
Of why's and how's
But you hold on to that thin thread
As you lurk around
There's no sense in staring into space
And counting the stars
When you know
that your heart have stopped
And you already forgot to breathe
Ripped bare
the clouds above California
have burned to waste
from their film
thinking about
Hemingway while
I walk my dogs
thinking about
Ask The Dust
and Fante's
inimitable beauty
of language
and the way they both
went out
the beard ate a bullet,
and diabetes took
away the living heart
of Bandini,
took from him
his warm blood
that became mine
and many other
writers' reason
to keep pushing
the sky burning
the fur of my
dogs getting warm
I stop and feel the
street and it's still
cool enough for
their little paws
and my warming
watching the Sun
up high
and remembering
nothing at once
then everything at once
and across the street I watch
two yoga moms stretching
and bending
shoving it high up
from their palms
their shoulders
beneath a bright sky
devoid of clouds
ripped bare
of Bandini
and the
old man.