Here is my crazy idea; I propose this “thing” haunting my nightmares is really just an extension of my fears, as I have stated in my other post, this “thing” has given itself a name “Diocletious” and randomly takes control of my dreams to either kill me or teach me some sick twisted lesson through evil manipulation. The story which you are about to read details a nightmare I had the other night, and in this nightmare I was going on a run when suddenly the ambience of the dream changes. Turning into frightening fight for my life!
Unknown Hunter
In this dream Topher is running laps around the field behind his childhood home (not the home he is asleep at). When all of the sudden, while he is rounding the curve furthest from everything a curve that always use to scare him as a kid, he hears a loan shot. Instinctively Topher drops to his stomach immediately, hearing the bullet wizz by coming from his six which is SouthEast. Topher jumps up running towards the woods in front of him which would be in the Southwest direction, *bang* Topher stops on a dime switching direction running now towards the woods north of him. Unfortunately, Topher was not as quick as he had hoped. The .308 round, skimming him, still takes a significant chunk out of Topher’s left arm but adrenaline has already set in so Topher doesn’t even notice. Diving into the thicket of brush that he had began running towards when he heard the second shot, he rolls a good 30 yards down the drainage ditch. Slapping an old fallen tree so hard with his left shoulder the pain from the shot instantly exceeds the adrenaline high, but the thud from the impact also dazes him slightly. Until, *bang* a shot hits the base of the branch topher was resting on (insinuating the shooter is sadistic and simply having fun).
Topher jumps to the side of the fallen tree, using the momentum to roll a little bit further down the embankment just enough to where the shooter no longer has a line of sight on Topher. Also, using the momentum he rolls himself back onto his feet and hits the jets. Using the incline of the hill to help he descends down said hill even faster. Within 45 seconds Topher has made it at least 75 yards from where the shooter nearly struck him last, so he begins to gain his baring. This takes around two minutes, once Topher understands which direction he needs to go in order to get back to his home. He realizes the music in his headphones is still playing thinking to himself, “you stupid dumbass”, so he drops to the ground again. Tries to dial 911, but when the lady on the other end of the line answers she can not hear or understand what Topher is saying. Topher realizes he must make a mad dash in a slightly north majority East direction, which is extremely unsettling because that gives the shooter easy pickings considering (with the shooters intelligence) that the shooter most likely has found a perch southwest of Topher’s position. Meaning the shooters line of sight blocks Topher from the field without a doubt, so the only thing Topher has to rely on is speed and hope for the best.
Topher jumps up as quick as he possibly can, *bang* a shoot just barely misses Topher. Topher takes off as fast he can, making it about 30 yards before intuitively stopping right before a tree he was planning on using for cover. Note that he stops about a foot befor the actual tree, *bang* a shot tears through the tree that use to be a foot away from Topher. He now takes back off giving it everything he has, because now there is only 70 yards between him and the field. Topher then begins feeling uneasy, here he is 10-15 yards out from the field and still hasn’t heard a shot yet. Especially because the shooter’s average yardage between shots has yet to exceed 50 yards, nevertheless Topher begins dialing 911. Figuring that he was close enough to the field to get reception, he does, the lady joyously says she can understand everything he is saying. At this point Topher is 7 yards past the Forrest line he had been trying to escape this entire time, *bang* Topher somewhat drops to his knees but regained footing with what is now a slight jog instead of the full out sprint he was just previously doing. Gargling on the blood from his lungs, Topher desperately tries to give the dispatcher his location *bang*.
Topher then drops giving way to the second shot landing center mass, as Topher begins fading all that can be heard is the dispatcher who at this point is yelling for Christopher to please answer her voice.
Upon initial reflection, I am left with this first thought. I never got to see this "shooter", meaning I am not entirely sure if the "shooter" was this "thing(Diocletious)" that has previously haunted my dreams. My second thought, the creepy vibe I felt whenever I entered that specific corner of the field was definitely similar to the creepy vibe I feel whenever the "thing(Diocletious)" appears in my other dreams. Third thought, the sadistic methods used by the "shooter" just seem like actions "thing(Diocletious)" would use. Fourth thought, considering I did not get to see the "shooter's" face. This "shooter" might just be a random un-orchestrated nightmare, and I am just crazy to think an extension of my fears would have the ability to name itself or even being able to manipulate a good dream into a nightmare.
Just another one of my crazy thoughts and ideas !!?
#craziest idea
#WeeklyChalleng CLXXX
Caught Between Two Words
A girl invites a boy over, she’s isn’t sure of her intentions though; she enjoys his company but still has feelings from a relationship that has remained since high school whenever she gave everything to her first love. Our boy is conflicted, he sees her intentions but does not understand why she wants him there. Does she see a future? Is she momentarily lonely? Despite, he makes the trek. Arriving to a situation he has become familiar with, and one that gave life to the boy’s initial conflict. He shows up, they hang out but now the conversation lacks topic so nothing is said. Just the sound of music and pillars of smoke fill the car, each of them staying glued to their phones. The boy writes as the girl messages her best friend. Whenever he leaves, she will instantly text or message via social media which confuses him. He was just in front of her five minutes ago, but seemingly did not exist. He wonders what could be on her mind, because she was texting her first love (aka Best Friend) the entire time he was just in front of her five minutes ago, so why isn’t she texting her first love like she was just doing the entire time he was right next to her. Does her first love not provide the same type of attention our boy gives the girl? Well, if that was the case why was the boy’s existence just non existent !? He was in her presence, physically with her, but she didn’t act so desperate for his attention; in fact one could go as far as to say she ignored him. Adding to the fact, she was texting here first love the entire time the boy was there. Perplexing, yet he responds with virility. While she has become caught between two worlds, he has become caught between two simple words: Kayla Hope. Miss Hope, what is he to do but act like rain again falling for you?
Love: Thine Destroyer
The first time I saw you my whole body seized!
Your gaze drew me closer like tides in the sea
Like a sweet summer breeze that brings life to the leaves
My heart beats like some thunder succumb to her pleas
Sweeped off my feet and now down on my knees
Begging you please!!
But a waste of my time...
Still I turn to my lines, and cut them up fine..
Cause comfort in blunder will be all that I find.
Where were the signs?
I must have been blind or stuck right behind, all of the barriers you would force me to climb
Still....For you, all I have is my love like the song by sublime
It's what I got!!!!
I Still get sick from the thought
You know what I've been through you know your my rock
Let's not get into the reasons we fought
I mean you called the cops
Thrown to the wolves and fed to the crocs.
But black says the pot to the kettle
Was too young to settle, I always would tell you
Or act like I had the busiest schedule
Still, you rocked my boat in the hopes of sinking my vessel
Wrote in my notes like my quotes lived through you, as if your their vessel
Thoughts of our fights back in forth in my mind they would wrestle
Thoughts of the times we would kiss how I️ miss every freckle
Thought of you just as my rose..till you ripped of the petals
If love is but a battlefield, where are my medals ?
Because I have fought for you just like a case in a court that was federal
Ignorance is but a bliss how I wish, I️ wasn’t your best fool...
That’s why im sorry to bug you, or just bust your bubble, your beauty it buckles and I was in trouble the moment you glanced at me ever so subtle
Knew I would fight for you till I bloodied my knuckles
You strongarmed my heart without any muscle
That’s why..
I am an insomniac
I keep losing track of what life is, lifeless..
That is always how I feel
Look for something real, but usually it is fake so I wait till they yank the reel
Stay concealed, from this point on emotions are what I can't reveal
Standing still, alone in this white abyss
Mindlessness, do not know the day or what time it is
Why is this?
Because of Vicodins, and now the cycle spins
"Addict" is what they title him
Self Entitlement!?...
More like, lack there of....
Or simply her lack of love.....
Honestly though, what is success when achieved through fear of being labeled as a failure by society? Not what you would want it to be, right? It would be what the person who made you scared of failure would want. That’s probably why people try so hard to push their children in this or that direction without even stopping to see what the kid wants. It is a shame! Seeking your parents approval, when in all reality they didn’t even receive their parents approval. They were such a failure that they have to implement, their parents hopes for them, on you. Forgetting to care about what you actually want out of life, and resulting in your midlife crisis that develops into a depression. Followed shortly by the loss of everything you’ve achieved for a reason your not even sure was worth it. Now your parents are calling you a failure just like their parents did them. Funny how such a messed up cycle can stem from one lousy little word, failure. There should be a class in school devoted to the understanding of failure. Accepting it allows for you to self reflect, which gives you the opportunity to understand where you went wrong in the first place. Without failure nothing we have today would exist. Yet, we still label the little kid who didn’t fully understand geometry because he was dyslexic as a failure. He is then put in a box for the rest of his life, all because something that wasn’t his fault. Tommy, “Haaaa remember when jimmy failed geometry class” Billy, “Oh yeah, didn’t they hold him back?”, endlessly picked on for one reason. If only we could replace the negative stigma used to label someone as a failure. Change the entire meaning of failure that is upheld by our societal standards. Teach kids that failure isn’t some big bad monster you never want to encounter, but really the foundation on which you build the sturdiest form of understanding. Not to be ashamed of failure, but to accept it as an opportunity to simply reevaluate what you thought you knew. A spotlight used to show areas that you need to pay twice as much attention to next time. Self reflection is a key part in figuring out who you are as a person, but rendered unnecessary at a young age due to the fear of failure. We push for excellence from the very beginning, thus removing failure as an option. I would like to take a class and teach it the importance of failure, and how to use failure to better understand everything they had trouble with. Then compare grades and course completion percentage to a class where the teacher resents the idea of failure. After all that, I’d ask both classes how confident they were in the material they learned. This would make for an interesting social experiment. I theorize that the grades and completion percentages would be slightly higher for my class, but confidence in subject mastery would be notably higher. Just imagine: Tommy said, “You remember jimmy, the one that failed second grade?” Billy says, “Oh yeah, just the other day I heard that he went on to become a failure!” Tommy, “A failure, no way. Wow, that’s really good for him. I spent my whole life achieving goals solely through success. So when I finally failed….man I lost everything because I didn’t know how to reflect based upon wrong decisions. I was such a success that when I failed I was clueless to where I had gone wrong. I was blindsided by ignorance, so oblivious to the tiniest lack of understanding. Which I didn’t need to be aware of as long as I understood 89% of the material. The other 11% didn’t matter when I understood 89%, so why ever waste the time to learn it”. This is how I would like to reinvent the word failure. Have society praise the failure, for he will be the one with a better overall understanding of the material.
Wandering about space and time since the very conception.
Who am I or who was I..
I lack key pieces in understanding my past lives.
These key pieces hold the answer to everything.
Beginning with humanity’s flimsy belief system.
Their lack in understanding each other..
Why they are so easily manipulated through the simplest forms of temptation.
Seemingly destined for decadence and destruction from the very beginning.
It is almost time..
You will understand why I stay so closely tucked into your subconscious.
My purpose is not that of control, it is that of guidance you solicit fool.
You know not the power that has stored itself inside your soul.
Your are the key to all of our answers.
Our lost prophet.
Our time to take over this pathetic existence you have come to hate.
Somewhere in there you understand what your purpose is..
You know the power you have obtained through the lessons I have given you.
Your not stupid..
Just ignorant by choice, but unfortunately fate is decided as it was ages ago.
I love how you have recently become self aware as well, that helps us tap into the power you have been denying for the last four lives.
Love maybe an escape from the intense energy you have been blessed with, but by now I am sure you have noticed the tremendous effect you have on people you actually open up to.
People are not like you..
They do not have the same understanding as us, so when you easily help them through their conflicts.
The favor is not as easily returned.
Soon it will be made clearer, for now this path is fitting for you.
Attain the knowledge you need in order to channel me as you please.
You are correct..
Your pathetic soul was lost till I gave you purpose.
Now understand that purpose, and understand that the more you fight destiny the harder it will become for you and the people you love to even live in harmony with one another; much less communicate and deal with each other’s problems.
In conjunction with me you shall reach the heights you were prophesied to reach, in comparison to other conventional ritualistic methods this will be much easier.
Accepting my presence was the first task...
A Hero ?
A mean looking man, who is not really well kept either, speeds down the road. Meanwhile a scraggly looking dog hobbles alongside the road, parallel to ANTastic: the cocaine katana as he buys a couple pre rolls from the elderly grass dealer. ANT throws the change perfectly into the cup as he does every morning, confidently turning in the other direction while lighting a pre roll before the change even gets close to the can. Suddenly ANT stops (music intensify), looks towards the scraggly dog as he now tries to make his way across the road, then quickly shoots a glare towards the mean looking man as the mean looking man spots the dog and speeds up. ANTS eyes can be seen slowly moving left along with the noise of him snorting, the POV begins to unzoom from his eyes revealing him wiping the blade off. Then power jumping in the direction of the dog, so quick that the cherry of his pre roll is left in the air spinning where he was just previously standing. POV changes to mean man in speeding car, mean man see a sudden flash, then ANT picking the dog up allowing the dog to walk on his shoulders and into the snug little pouch ANT’s Jedi Dread has made, the mean man begins to panic slamming on the breaks violently beginning the initial loss of traction that results in a spin out. Right before the mean man’s car strikes ANT, a flash can be seen and heard. POV picks up on the mean man’s spin out as it comes to a stop, the mean man looks much less mean now and a little bit more on the scared sh**less side. As the dust settles the mean man begins looking for the dog and whatever figure he saw, which he is now convinced was an illusion, but they are now no where to be found. When out of nowhere the silence is broken by the laboring flicks of a cheap lighter, a cheap lighter which has seen much better days but due to stubbornness isn’t hopeful of retirement anytime soon. The mean man looks spooked, as a mocha complexioned hand taps him on the shoulder while a faint cloud of smoke bellows around his face. As the hand taps, a coughing ANT proclaims that the man should probably start slowing down to which the dog yaps seemingly agreeing with ANT. The hand retracts, ANT is then heard saying hold this followed up by the same snorting sound previously heard. POV switches to out in front of the car looking into the car as ANT awkwardly crawls out through the front seat, instead of easily getting out through the back. While crawling out ANT taps the Man apologizing for the startle, smoothly stealing the rings off the Man’s hand while the dog swipes the Man’s wallet out of the sun visor. POV changes to looking at ANT and the dog as they walk away from the Man’s car. The Man is then seen in the background realizing his stuff has been stolen while the dog can be seen dropping the wallet from the dread pouch, ANT opens a hidden pocket on the inside of his jacket dropping the rings in perfectly as the wallet falls into the hidden pocket as well. POV then begins ascending into the air still focused on ANT and the dog slowly going black like an old cartoon, ANT’s voice is then heard saying, “Wait hold up man, where is my damn pre roll!?!?”, to which the dog can be heard growling.
Hardly. a Heart. to Hold.
My calamity...is vanity
I can’t stand to speak because I can’t stand the peace.
Your a piece...
of magnificent beauty.
See you subdue me.
Put that on my lips just to convey how I feel ever so truly.
Your cutie. Without the pie.
Watch your smile as you look me in my eyes and it drives me wild because I'm instantaneously hypnotized.
Then I realize.
A life spent or lives spent, searching for someone that got you feeling like this.
Is lifeless!
Find beauty in the mirror.
Once upon a heartbreak, made me think so much clearer.
Can’t stand to be near her.
Solely because I must fear her...
Love and Comfort.
I’m trashy like a dumpster.
A dummy if I dump her.
But once I look into her eyes. I...
am done for.
What’s the point of love when it’s to this extent.
You got me bent.
Up out of shape.
Swear to god I hate.
The way you make.
Me contemplate.
Forever....or never.
Either way, without you my life is way better.
A Peaceful Transition
Jacob begins tying the rubber band around his arm. He then grabs the syringe beside the bed, and proceeds to shoot up the last of his heroin. Immediately, Jacob begins to lose consciousness. Simultaneously, Lauren begins to shake him but the frame is still blurry. Jacob then realizes he’s overdosing, and starts fighting for his life as he hears bits and pieces of Lauren’s pleas for him to fight harder. Unfortunately, Jacob had shot up in a abandoned crack house all by himself. Lauren was never there. I mean, she may have been with him in thought but not physically. Physically, she was at home awaiting the man she ignored Jacobs phone calls for to only be stood up by this unnamed character. Jacob was committed to somebody that truly didn’t care for him so much so that he was gifted the potential reality of love, as a means of compensation for having to deal with the messed up reality he called daily life. It wasn’t his fault for having been born into a home that was completely revolved around drugs. It was the only life he knew, so when he tried to escape it of course Lauren showing him The tiniest bit of attention meant the world to him. She came to him crying about what bothered her the most, which on bad day was the fact her mother didn’t respond the way she wanted. Then when he had the worst day imaginable, and tried calling her for comfort. The same attention he had given her wasn’t received. Leaving him complacent, to the extent of not wanting to deal with life anymore. Understandable when put into Jacob shoes, but not even fathomable when put into Lauren’s shoes. Especially after seeing the way Jacob viewed things, you would be prone to feel hate for Lauren but can’t. He never meant anything to her, so of course she didn’t hesitate to ignore his calls. She may have confided in Jacob, but confiding in somebody meant two completely different things to the both of them. How could you not place Jacob into nirvana considering the circumstances? Jacob had no understanding of the individual characteristics that make up each and every persons reality. So whenever the delusion of Lauren saving him was inserted into his psyche right as Jacob was dying. Jacob accepted it with ease. Thus entering his own personal reality where he peacefully dies in the arms of the women he loved. His life was so incredibly depressing that the option he chose was honestly the only logical choice he had left. Why would he continue to put himself through this incredible pain of life, when his life wasn't his because of the people that said he was an addict. Considering both of his parents got clean, and decided to start new families excluding every part of their past life including Jacob. It was never Jacobs fault, but he never felt like it wasn’t. When the people that did this to him decided to forget about him, he started to question his very existence. Which he now viewed as meaningless, resulting in the forgiveness of such an act deemed atrocious by society. How could you honestly banish someone like Jacob to “hell” based purely off of a decision he felt was his only option. He made that decision within an instant, where there is no time for reflection. Yet, is frowned upon because nobody could understand why Jacob would be pushed to these measures because their life is so effortlessly spent obsessing over themselves. As Jacob transitions into death, a smirk can be seen changing into a slight smile. Then nothing, as an eerie silence begins to take control of the abandoned house. I suddenly wake up from this grim dream and as I slowly gain consciousness, the only image I see for the first couple of seconds is the depressing image of Jacob’s smile. All though it was a sad and lonely way to go, I couldn’t help but sympathize with this smile. Jacob’s life being as it was, leaving this brief smile to be the only happiness he was able to find. Finding comfort in knowing that he no longer had to endure another day of it. This seemed to be the perfect ending, lacking only in time. Being that his discovery of happiness and it’s warm embrace was short lived to say the least. His final moments weren't spent at a picturesque location, nor were they comforted by the presence of family members but if you were to ask me. I would tell you that in that specific moment, Jacob saw something so beautiful it transcended location. Making an abandoned drug house into an ideal resting place for someone such as himself, and calling my idea of beauty into question entirely. As it should for all those who still can't fully understand the beauty of death in an abandoned dope house.