Ignored Truths
What a fool is a man who inquires,
"Where can I find happiness?"
As his child slumbers in his arms,
Yet we are all dense, hypocrites,
For who among us ages untainted?
Blame entertains two parties minimum,
We often hold the antidote; truth
Yet most let it spoil, sit unused,
Unwilling to waiver infectious appetite,
Truth sets free only those who seek,
Habitual creatures scurry deeper,
Quaffing toxins, fantasies ruminated,
Knowledge scours blinding hot,
Searing throes, but begetting sage wights,
Muscle accrued moiling limits,
Pressure induces reform,
Holding back increases tension,
Though forsaken, verity will ascent victor.
floating flying free
like dandelion wishes
whispered to the wind
#challenge #happiness #poetry #haiku #childhoodmemories #throwback
My mom used to work in hospitals and nursing homes. Long shifts. Heavy lifting. Clean-up in Room 3. Spilled-guts. Spilled-bowels. Spilled-bladder. Spilled-blood. Human-spill. Spill-spillage. She’d come home to house, nighttime-still. She’d come home to pass-out, lack of sleep. Stumble down stairs, wash away fluids. Wash away E. Coli. Wash away sweat. Wash away death-stench. Pass-out lack of sleep. Repeat, next day. Lift-up crying. Lift-up disease. Lift-up dying. Lift-up human-spillage. Repeat. Lift-up human-spillage. Repeat. The babies never had a chance. Twins. Fallopian-tube, burst. Platelet, internal-vein explosion. Ghost-bleeding. Phantom-bleeding. Insides-bleeding. Also known as hemorrhage. Also known as dying. Also known as 8 hours screaming/fainting/shaking pain. Also known as doctor-induced abort mission. Ride or die. Abort mission or sleep-eternal. No blood left. So I could hold two still-borns. One mass explosion. The other clump of tadpole-mess. Save the unborn. Send the living home. Follow the plan. Return home. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Kill the mother, spare the child. Or spoon-scrape cervix. Tissue-removal. Tissue-removal. And I wake every day thanking the doctor that left her blood-cup-half-full. Pray to false god of saving lives. Return me home. Return me home.
Why on Earth do you believe in me?
I’m just this mess that can’t leave bed
This mess with no brain in her head
The mess that does not comb her hair, go outside, or seem to care?
The one who doesn’t eat or sleep
or think or dream
or hope or weep.
Did God say I could be saved too?
Do all your church friends praise you?
Is that what God told you to do?
Do you feel obligated to see that I am fed
and clean
alive not dead?
Do you just want me out of bed?
I waste my life away, you say
because I’m sad inside you say
Go outside and face the day
Just try something new, okay?
Try something new too.
You’re sad too and I can see
It’s because of me, you see
I cannot get away from me
and my intrusive thoughts
So you’re wasting precious energy
Trying to spend time with me
And save a mind that has escaped
from any hopeful place
So you might have to face the fact
that I might never come back and that
This taxes your mind and body and soul
and sometimes you need to let go.
Try something new and let go.
Dear Dad
I was young, I didn’t know any better
But you said I’m yours and you said forever
The first arms to hold me, the first lips to kiss me goodnight
And I know you only left to do what was right
Sure I was young, I didn’t know any better
But you said you’re mine, and you said forever
So where are you now Daddy, I know they need you but so do I
I know you said to be strong, but I just want to cry
Sure I was young, I didn't know any better
But you said we’ll be together and you said forever
I put my faith in you because you were always so strong
I was sure you would come back to me but I guess I was wrong
Sure I was young I didn’t know any better
But now I’m all grown up and I don’t beleive in forever
It’s true that I liked her.
My heart fluttered,
My words tripped when I talked to her,
And I looked forward to seeing her everyday.
One day,
We planned to eat together,
And she introduced me to her friends.
Nice girls, the both of them.
But one of them was especially
Her eyes smiled in a way that
Made my heart skip a beat.
She would tilt her head,
And she was
I still liked her though.
I might’ve engaged in conversation
With her friend, at times.
But I was still hers.
Over time,
We all became closer.
For the two of us.
We were always
But it was a
Beginner’s kind of awkward.
Now, we began to drift.
We just became
Things happened that way.
Some things just don’t go
The way you planned
Or the way you would imagine.
But what happened to me,
Was that,
We naturally grew apart.
While we became closer.
And it wasn’t a bad parting.
We mutually agreed things were just
Not working.
And we decided to take it slow.
Obviously, we wouldn’t make any
Kind of move
Any time soon.
We were all still friends.
But as time passed,
And we made new relationships,
And grew as individuals,
We went on our own respective paths.
My path
Looked scattered before.
Blurry even.
But the fog cleared. Eventually.
Some relationships may fade.
But it’s okay.
We grow.
And that’s just okay.