Coming Through
Coming through...
Is it all coming through?...
Did you stamp from above
And push thoroughly down
So the image is rendered
And the cynical clowns
Will see your full intention,
So the caged bird can sing?...
Shit...there's not enough ink...
Start again from the top...
Strain your muscles again...
Makes sure tendons won't pop..
Watch the sweat rolling down
From your nose to your eyes...
Put your best effort in...
Smacking back those horseflies...
Coming through...
Is it all coming through?...
Have you questioned your motives?...
Is it for them or you?...
Fitting in is for square pegs,
It's for filling up coffins...
Make a stamp that will resonate
With a space you go often...
It must tickle the ivories...
It must blowtorch the locks
'til their barracks is exposed...
And those dangling bodies
Which were rotting for weeks
Hung by necks double knotted;
Are presently exhumed
For the mass populace...
When they see future follies
Will it change how they live?...
Probably not, doesn't matter...
You're too busy to grieve...
Keep on pushing, producing...
'til your calluses bleed,
And the sun fades to nothing
In the back of the sky...
Coming through...
Is it all coming through?...
Bunny Villaire
Doubting Absolutes
I begin by doubting everything is reality. Nothing is absolute.
If I say there are no absolutes, then I contradict my own statement—for I am declaring “there are no absolutes” to be an absolute.
If I doubt everything, then “everything” includes perception, action, and thought.
Doubt is a form of thought.
If I doubt that I am doubting, then I prove I am doubting, for to doubt “doubt“ requires doubt.
Head spinning yet?
Bend, Fold, and Spindle Me
I was going to respond to a post about how rude people are to others who write and seem to strike a nerve. But then I realized it was time for a full policy statement.
Maybe my skin's thickened with age or maybe that "Sticks and stones" thing has stuck with me ever since I needed a mantra to repel attacks for when my skin was much thinner.
But here it is:
Anyone--I mean anyone--can attack me, berate me, call me all sorts of things--and I don't mind. theProse is an outlet of creativity. I put it out there, and...well...there it is. Like it or leave it, praise it or condemn it, share it or hope I drop dead. Call me a Democrat or call me a Republican, call me God-fearing or amoral. Call me a genius or an imbecile. (I'll be fine called something in between.)
Once you give up on the dream of getting published, you write for yourself. So, as a 5-times-failed novelist, it's mine to share and you can enjoy it or shove it back up my ass (sideways, because that's supposed to hurt more).
In other words (words--that's funny), there is nothing you can say that will deflate, defeat, or "ingrate" me. The world's drama is only on a stage. It can be tragic, but all plays end. And some give such memorable performances.
If I write something you find offensive, maybe it's just ironic. If I write something you find hurtful, maybe it's just self-reflective. There's good writing and there's bad writing. But writing at all leaves a legacy. I certainly would rather my legacy be troll bait than something like Mein Kampf--my four-and-a-half-year struggle against lies, stupidity and cowardice. ("Mein Kampf II: this time it's personal.")
It may be lies, stupidity, and cowardice one four-and-a-half-year cycle, but arrogance, self-serving, and vanity the next. Maybe beauty is right around the corner. Yes, words can be dangerous when people are foolish, and some people have tighter filters than others--while some allow all the water to drain out the colander.
But anything that comes from me is fair game. Be nice...or not. Follow me until you feel you must unfollow me. On my deathbed, the one sentiment I WON'T have is, "My God, why wasn't I even more snarky when I could have been don't know...those people."
I'm too fully self-actuated to fall for the me-vs-them thing. How much pain has me-vs-them caused? How many wars? How much death? Haven't we learned by now?
Moral of the story: I'm having a great time here.
No matter how it's received, celebrated, condemned, or ignored. If I'm selfish because I write for me, then at least it's a friendly audience who are courteous enough to silence their smartphones. The audience can look for drama elsewhere. If you dis me, then just saunter off along your way. Like Jed Clampett said, "Y'all come back and visit, now." But remember that on the stage of life actors can be replaced. And prima donnas are usually self-appointed.
But hey! that's just me.
As our world has grown increasingly complex, so has our reliance on scientific and technological advancements to understand it. This has led to a shift in our focus and consciousness from the right to left hemispheres of the brain, with the right hemisphere traditionally associated with creativity and emotion, and the left hemisphere linked to logic, reason, and analytical thinking. This change has had a profound effect on our society, allowing us to understand and interact with the physical world in ways that were previously unimaginable.
However, this shift towards the left hemisphere has not been without consequences. As our reliance on scientific and technological advancements has increased, so too has our disconnection from humanistic elements of life. This is similar to a carpenter who has become so used to using a hammer that they forget how to use the other tools in their toolbox. Although their hammer may help them do some jobs faster, they have lost the finesse and other skills of more traditional, craft-based techniques. Our right hemisphere, which is linked to creativity and emotion, has been neglected in favour of our left hemisphere, which is associated with logical and analytical thinking.
As a result, we have lost some of our humanity, struggling to find a balance between the logical and the emotional. The physics of quality seeks to bridge this divide by emphasizing the importance of both right and left hemispheric thinking and encouraging us to use both when making decisions. By understanding the importance of both hemispheres and using them in combination, we can ensure that our decisions are both informed and emotionally grounded.
Does it scare you?
"Does it scare you?" She asks you. In the dead of the night. Her breath merely clouds.
"Does what scare me?" Your eyes still focused on the great expanse of stars below you.
"That we are so small. That your most treasured friend could disappear and you wouldn't have the means to figure out why or where. That there are most likely beings out there that could tear our entire world apart with a raised finger, and our civilisation is too young to know what to do. Humanity could only be learning how to say its first word while others are exploring space and planets and slowly, slowly making their way to us. Or maybe they are already hurtling towards us full speed and we are just sitting here. Worried about such trivial things. Will a well paying job save us from these bigger things? Does it scare you that nothing we do in our lives really matters? But it does matter doesn't it? It matters to us. Of course a mistake made by me, or you, mightn't make the moon fall but it matters to us and we should not dismiss a human's feelings.
Maybe we are the biggest thing out here. Between these exploding stars and galaxies and planets. Maybe it is not our mistakes that will bring the moon down, but our failure to recognise the lessons thrown at us by life. A left turn instead of a right, a failed exam or interview or marriage or friendship, or a lost will to live... a lost will to love. It is our dismissal of these emotions that will sabotage humanity.
Does it scare you?"
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
What do you see when you fall?
Do you see miracles?
Do you find yourself unbelievable?
Or do you just have the word ‘failure’ pierce through?
Trust me when I say, “I feel you”
’Cause I came from feeling miserable to slowly finding myself new
What do you see in a mirror?
Someone who has gone through the thought of seeing themselves as ‘imperfect’?
Someone who has been patiently writing their story chapter after chapter?
Someone who has and always will be that powerful person they are seeing right now?
Regardless of where your reflection is seen or from what perspective it seems to be on,
Whether it is through a window or someone's eyes,
Everyone’s reflection drags expectations and self-love down the crevasse of torture
Everyone’s reflection shares an untold story
Should it remain that way?
Yes, it should.
Perception is the reflection
I reflect you, you reflect me.
A mirror reflects the image
it receives, how you accept
is how you perceive.
The minds eye is what really matters
no matter how badly distorted
as long as the emotion flatters.
Perception of the reflection supports
the emotion despite the
you’re not real
my version of you is simply
a perception created to please myself
or is this the best design?
I wonder how you see me
does it matter
what if you see me as perfect?
does that make it real?
what if I like your model better?
could I accept it as my own?
after all you don’t have to see something
with your own two eyes
to believe that it’s truth